Geometry Nodes

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That is probably the easiest thing :rofl:. Just triangualte and dual mesh.


here is a little geonodes / bpy / upbge inventory script thing
working_geonodes_inventory_example.blend (1019.6 KB)


Hi guys,
have you some suggestions about the nodes organization?
For examples, I’ve discovered now that if you add input to the group input node, everytime you add another group input, the new one inherits all the added inputs and if I remove some inputs from the new group node, the inputs disappear from the all the others.

So, how do you manage the inputs when they become many of them?



I wonder is there a way to do stuff “on initialize” of Geonodes modifier. To perform some calculation only once. After all its variables are filled, or with a press of a special button

An example: 2 dummies are used to stretch an object, which can have variable length. To calculate the correct scale multiplier for stretching, we need to know its default length and it should be a constant. So the only way to do it that I know would be measuring this length externally, and then inputing it manually into the modifier’s field. Calculating the distance between the dummies wont work, since it is updating constantly, and scale multiplier will always be 1.0

here is procedural UV (quads) with random offset (snapped to uv sheet)

and adding triangles

random_texture_uv_triangles_quads.blend (979.7 KB)

and the file itself with some frames added for clarity

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Help getting TOP of “grass” instances to receive noise in geometry nodes.
I tried in multiple ways, Weight Maps, Proximity - I want a noise texture to effect the top of the grass, while the bottom will remain stuck to the ground plane.
Would like to know how to achieve this both using proximity (to the top mesh) and hopefully ALSO using the vertex group of the instance.
The distribution itself should remain EXACTLY AS IS.

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Note that the effect should be after the distribute, simply adding a displace to the original instanced object is not the fix.

setup file

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it is very hard :wink:

You can input Instance vertex group via modifier and use that as mask like this

Proximity method


Thank you @higgsas , Perfect solution!

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How do you do this with actual individual book objects of varying thickness?

Over on polyhaven they have this great collection of random books: and I’d like to do something like in the video above but every example of such a thing relies on the default cube and not actual meshes of varying thickness.

I think I found a way. You can get the bounding boxes for the books and then calculate their dimension with the accumulate node. Then you can transfer the size back to the books via their index.

I kinda hope I’m overcomplicating something because this was way harder to figure out that I anticipated. Debugging fields can be bit opaque…

Here’s the file. Maybe someone can find a simpler way to do this!
Stack of books.blend (923.1 KB)


this could be applied to buildings *

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the ‘pack some buildings along from here to here’ approach may very well work better,

from a speed approach too

city generator

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You’re a genius.

Debugging/inspecting ANYTHING in geometry nodes is very opaque to me.

Is there any way to have it never repeat the same book twice until after every unique index had been used at least once?

Simplified bend, stretch, taper, twist node groups

Twist_Bend_Taper_Stretch.blend (166.1 KB)

Bend node group more complex example

bend_test_complex.blend (130.8 KB)


Amazing! I will be using these a lot.


LoL, I just came back to this thread to look at ways to bend geo and it’s right here :joy: Thanks!


Yes. You gotta iterate a bunch of random points along a mesh line of count equal to amount of objects. Then collapse points and use those indices. Let me see If I can mock that up.

This is the barebones of it. You can automate some things like the random max value taking the index max of the object collection, for example. I haven’t figured out how to prolong the list yet though (Issue illustrated in 3rd image)

Woops, you need a random value between 0 and 4, which is 5 integers. Not 0 and 5, which would be 6 integers.

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