Geometry Nodes

Yeeeeessss we need the loops ! All the loops ! Fruity ! Savory ! Infinite ! Conditional !

@ManuelGrad moving the node properties to a different view should be possible anytime down the line. It could even come as an “alternate” view mode, where only geometry links are shown. The big advantage of this one is you can see all connections. I agree that a trimmed-down view mode would be really nice.


It’s not a drag n drop from socket to socket, instead you write the address of the parameter you want to reference. “Referencing” is Houdini lingo for “connecting parameters” (which are Blender properties). It takes a checkbox to actually show those connections in the graph as well, which always seemed unnecessarily convoluted to me.

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I have never used houdini before. Are there loops? I can’t imagine them leaving out something as essential as loops.

There are. Two kinds actually, if I remember correctly (for and while).
Just checked and there is also a for each loop, in addition to for and while. Not sure what the difference is…

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Manual Merkele is… nerd on steroids :smiley:
Seriously he is ( former ) C4D users which make pure magic, pushing C4D limits to the sky. He also are very prominent in softimage ( ICE ). I try to watch some of his lessons for C4D and give up very quickly :stuck_out_tongue: Latter he switch to Houdini and occasionally use Blender for “direct modeling”.
For Blender will be very good thing if Manual continue to “abuse” Blender geometry nodes. This dude is amazingly talented.

I understand : in Python you do everything with the for loop (counter or no counter), and I only know Python.

I think the Python equivalent of “for each” is “for something in x” while the “normal” for loop is “for something in range(x,y)”.
It is just a slightly different syntax but the first one is still fundamentally a “for each” loop.

disclaimer: I am not a programmer so this could be completely wrong.

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There is a python script that allow iterations and loop in a cycle material


No I think this looks about right. I have very little knowledge about other languages. I just know that the syntax for a for loop in Python can take a variety of shapes, the range one just happens to use a range object to define the size of the loop. The way I understand it, it’s a more generic for loop.

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Does anyone know how to control light color (eg. spotlight or point light) use as a particle instance in Geometry Node? Or is this still not possible yet?

okay… now that we have primitives… how do I smooth shade them after subdiv? :slight_smile:

I would just use an auto smooth and weighted normal on the mesh.

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worked like a charm :slight_smile:

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In the “spreadsheet” every vert has a number. Is there a way I could reference this number, so I could manipulate this exact vert?

Careful there that’s a slippery slope, you might end up with a modeling package
Joke aside your answer is here :

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So I figured, with Cycles being able to render out mesh attributes, and Geometry Nodes being able to convert attributes, I put two and two together and discover that we don’t have to deal with the vertex color channel limit anymore.

This does not use up a vertex color channel slot, and all you need is an attribute node in your shader. This may not be supported by Eevee yet though, as it only worked with Cycles for me.


Should we begin the discussion about an attribute spreadsheet editor?
I think its only natural that somebody has to start talking about.
It’s a bit early for an “Geometry nodes attribute spreadsheet editor” but the general concept is the same.

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I’d say it’s already happening in shader nodes. Not for Cycles but there are other render engines that comes or already available in Blender and it’s an obvious struggle to make sense how to put many parameters on one node and keep it clean. Two good examples would be Redshift and ProRender.

I believe Blender eventually will have to rething this design. It’s not bad for supporting current UI decisions but it’s obviously has it’s limitations and I think it’ll show more prominent the more complex the system becomes.

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A good middle ground that preserves the intuitiveness of Blender’s system would be for the parameters to show only in the side bar by default, but by each parameter have an ‘expose’ icon that creates a socket on the node itself in the editor, the parameter field could appear as well.

That way, you only need the in-editor UI showing the sockets that are to be driven by non-constant values. It could be especially useful for the Principled Node and even the Glossy Node if it gets additional things like glint shading.

Another idea I have is that there could be a special socket type on the bottom of nodes like Principled, but then you can click the socket to add ‘modules’ which are a suite of additional hardcoded parameters. So only the most basic features are presented by default, with the rest optionally added.