Geometry Nodes

Hi guys I compiled list of recent GeoNodes patches, give it a try:


Lets say I have a simple curve line. How can I manipulate the radius property of the start and endpoint separately? I want the start of the curve to be always radius=1, and the endpoint a given value.

I made an at least working version, hope it works for you. (Or at least, can be easily modified to work for you)

The random per object works, but note that a pattern will repeat, as it would anyway. I tried randomizing colors within geometry nodes, with no luck.

Here is the tree.

  1. An initial grid is created and scaled.
  2. It is transformed multiple times, and output to different sets of points.
  3. Each set of points is randomized (location, rotation, and scale).
  4. Each set of points is instanced as a different object and joined.

Sorry it is messy. One of these days I might organize the randomization part with reroutes…

To create you own block, you can:

  1. Get rid of the transform nodes inside the frame labeled ‘tile’.
  2. Connect the source grid to one of the tile inputs.
  3. Create a transform node to offset it.
  4. Repeat as many times as you need to make a perfect tessellation.

Try it out!
Tiles.blend (3.2 MB)


woah ! That’s some “railway station” noodle work right there, will definitely give it a try :slight_smile:

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The vertices are actually seats in a stadium, I get characters instance on every points bout now I want to add lighters in some people in the crowd. You know, show at night, we don’t see much. People turn on their lighters to create a nice atmosphere. @Chanfiroly solution is working well. I had a hard time because I was trying to connect something to the mask. And the attribute sample texture only outputs geometry. So I didn’t know I could connect it this way. Thanks guys

The ramp is a good idea!

this may be a silly question but… how do I rotate every new instance by for example 90 degrees? Can I somehow reference the instance number and multiply it by 90? Pic rel.

This setup uses the Z position of a line and multiplies it by the angle. This is how you can do a “for cycle” in GN.

rotation.blend (873.0 KB)

edit. there should a conversion from degrees to radians if you want to use degrees in the input

Tanks, this looks good but… Try to change the height of the line to something like 2,69m and the rotation becomes a mess. Also it wouldn’t work if the increase in Z position is not constant, for example:

  1. 0
  2. 1,5
  3. 4
  4. 6,03
    Now by multiplying it by 90 you will get a random looking rotation.
    The easiest way would be just to use instance number and multiply it by given degree but you can’t reference it right? Is it possible to do it by NOT using the Z position?

Try this setup
rotationv2.blend (951.0 KB)

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Yup, this one works perfectly. THANKS !!! :slight_smile:

Anybody experienced weird crashes and behaviour with daily Blender 3.0 releases?
My Blender 3.0 (release from 24.Juli) just crashed while saving an image and then afterwards ALL Blender versions crashed on start - only remedy is restarting the system (Windows 10).
I am not complaining - it is an alpha after-all, but I find it weird that it affects all Blender versions afterwards.

For those of you who want to create a procedural building generator, but don’t know how (like me),
I can recommend this YT tutorial series.

There is still one part missing which deals with the rooftop, but despite this I was able to create my own, adapting the techniques and principles shown in the tutorial.

If however you are lazy and just want a procedural building generator without doing anything, I can also recommend this:


There is also this 3 parts tutorial series geared more towards simple/stylized procedural building.


Isn’t too soon for that kind of generator ? The whole setup will change once modeling nodes will come in

Nah. Its a workflow that uses scattered points and instancing objects/collections on them and not much else.
I doubt the BF will completely change this kind of workflow (the nodes it is made from) since it is depending on basic low level nodes.


How to define Start Location of Mesh Line at each point of a grid, other words how to create line from each point?

Since we don’t have direct geometry instancing yet, you have to make your lines separate objects and use point instance.


I’m trying to calculate if an attribute is odd or even, so I’m using Modulo of said attribute by 2. I’m very surprised to get “2” as the Modulo while using it like that. The image below shows the result (being stored in the attribute “Direction”) of the Modulo operation executed over the attribute “RowIndex” (see image below). How can the remainder of 2 divided by 2 be 2? I can’t see what I’m doing wrong here. Please, help!

You are doing it right. I suspect the spreadsheet is not showing the values of the variable Direction at that point of the node tree. What if you change ‘Evaluated’ at the top left to the other options?