Geometry proximity for all points of curve?


I haven’t done much learning yet with geometry nodes. I’ve been toying with this concept. I wanted to round all corners of a curve created from mesh edges, then get get the closest point on this smoothed curve, using original unsmoothed polygonal curve or mesh as reference.

I’ve managed to do this for one point at time based on index, but how would I be able to do this for all the points of a curve? Seems like based on node names there are no nodes for looping, so there must be some different way of doing things, if this is possible to do.

Thanks in advance!


You can just use Geometry Proximity for that



Like I said I know and already used Geometry Proximity, I had problems figuring out how to do it for each and every point. I’ll check your graph setup later today!

So the missing piece was Set Position node. I’ll have to learn which nodes can take multiple inputs instead of one values, that part is still a bit unclear for me. And seems like there is also right to left data flow, in addition to left to right flowing data.

Thanks for the help @higgsas :+1:

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