Geometry Nodes Curve Hair, I’ve been experimenting with it, converting old systems to the new curves object.
Issue Is performance, I notice there’s a noticeable dip in performance every time I have a new curve object sampling the surface of my character via the “Interpolate Hair Curves” geonodes preset.
I was wondering can this be ‘baked’ so it can stop sampling forever (I assume thats how it works) so I can regain performance (I measure the performance with how laggy it becomes when I move the character model in Object mode lol, the old hair particle system was more performant).
Or any other tips other than just disabling everything in the viewport, if I can somehow ‘bake’ something in the Interpolate Hair Curves node group, thatd be good.
Bake node is a node. You can place it anywhere in node tree.
Interpolate Hair Curves nodegroup node tree have things labelled by frame nodes.
You can add a Bake node after Surface Geometry frame node, bake and then delete content of this frame node. But the rest of frame nodes are connected to curves input that will differ from one Curves object to another.
You will have to reuse this modified Interpolate Hair Curves nodegroup on new Curves Object. But, if sampling of surface is a lot less important than computation from Curves Object’s geometry ; it is not obvious that you will perceive an improvement in performance.
If you don’t want to change Viewport display or use a density texture map , you can create your own simpler nodegroup based on Interpolate Curves node.