tangent space mesh decal.blend (4.0 MB)
I need to generate sort of tangent based decal UV coordinates in Geometry Nodes. (The data should be used inside geonodes, so Object texture coordinates from a shader editor arent an option) So far I’ve managed to bring an UV center point at the position of an empty
But I’d also like to be able to rotate those UV coordinates around an empty’s Z axis. And I do not know what to do about this step. The mesh has UV tangent assigned (attribute “tangent”), it may be slightly off, but so far I didnt manage to make anything remotely close to what I want
This technically works and I’ll go that route if I wont find something else, thanks. Problem is, it is not very intuitive to use. What I wanted is for the “mesh decal” is to follow global orientation of an empty. Can this Z rotation be calculated relatively to surface?
I already have alternative system for same goal, but I thought that bringing it into UV tangent space will solve some distortion issues