Heres some procedurally generated plane with UVUnwrap node, instanced procedural geo scattrered around with transfered UV from underlying circle geo.
How to convert this and get the “real” UV in the UV editor?
Heres some procedurally generated plane with UVUnwrap node, instanced procedural geo scattrered around with transfered UV from underlying circle geo.
How to convert this and get the “real” UV in the UV editor?
After applying the GN modifier, go to Object Data Properties > Attributes, press the little arrow on the right and convert the generated map attribute to Generic attribute (“2D vector” on “Face Corners”, probably?).
[There was an option to convert specifically to “UV Map” before version 3.5, but I don’t see it now]
That works! Thank you
I was try to google solution but the results was more about how to make anything in geonodes except those translation from GN to “real” data
While both this question and explanation shows up quite often, I suppose people tend to use different vague wording each time. And so it’s really hard to find anything useful sometimes =D