thank you harleynut
yes i agree on the eyelashes. i am having my problems with them. also, because i seem not quite understand how blenders hair is supposed to work. … hmm, this little crease is, i believe, a too strong shadow of the muscle. it slipped my attention, i should have moved the light ever so slightly. thanks for pointing out. … and, no, he is “created” from several reference fotos (but having one as a leading one)
wow, joseperez, thank you so much for your help. i do appreciate very much (and appreciate your clear explanations via draw over), and sure will give back this favour when you post your portrait. i am looking forward to it (kick me with a pm, in case i miss your post, please)
yes, i understand your argument with eye. the strong rotation of the eyes led me a little wrong way. good point you have.
the lashes , these are from a problem i am having with blender hair. i actually have the guide hair (parents) similar like on your lower ref foto, see here:

but, it does render the childrens always much shorter than the parents
i do not know why. and so the curve i created in the parents hairs is “chopped off”… this also happened with the main hair, when you look the screenshot, which shows the parent hairs, it is much longer hair than in the render?? confusing… so, i think i need tech help here … good point about the lengths of the top lashes, it slipped my attention that they are longer at the outside corners. i defeinitely will put this is next time!
nostrils, yes good point too, have not thought about putting hair there, good idea!
and to your question about the polycount and maps. these sculpts are so highpoly that i could sculpt the skin details like pores and tiniest wrinkles (the head has 6 mill about). it does not carry a displacement or normal map. not even a bump map. it carries a diffuse texture, an sss texture and a glossy texture. on the sweater sits a texture that displaces and bumps. but the head and jacket do not have displacement or normal maps. pure sculpting they are.
thanks a lot, jose, it is very helpful to get such fine critique. i learned alot from it, and will make much better next time