GeoTree: Procedural Trees in Geometry Nodes

Hi @Renzatic . I’ve been using your node group and it’s great, I shared some tests here. JoelRVC Sketchbook - #3 by Joel_RVC

By the way, I have a suggestion, you may already be aware of it. When you want to create a forest and you generate instances of the tree, there are problems in shading with the normals of the trunk.

Since they are normals captured before scatter the instances, they remain frozen and move with the rotation of the instances (which should not happen in this case) and that results in shading errors in the instances.
-This shouldn’t happen

-something like this yes

In one of the @Ascalon videos I saw that an alternative is to convert these normal (which I assume is object normal) to world normal, I tried doing that by connecting a vector transform node after the attribute node in the trunk bark shader, like this:

It gave the results I expected and the shader worked as it should on the instances.

It gave the results I expected and the error disappeared.

From the video I understood that world normals are generally rarely used since they are only for static objects, which works here, but I did not test if it would work in case of animating the branches. Even so, I wanted to tell you about this use case and as an added suggestion in case you need it.