GeoTree: Procedural Trees in Geometry Nodes

I present to you Geotree 0.64! Now with branches that can point down, and ZorroWeaver’s much improved UV mapping.

…and speaking of which, Zorro, I couldn’t find out exactly what Debug Map did, so I decided not to expose it on the main node for the time being. If it’s important, I’ll add it in on the next update.

One of the things I’ve taken issues with is that my branches don’t, well, branch out enough, forcing me to overpopulate my limbs with tons of branches to get a nice, leafy canopy. My idea for a potential solution to this problem is such…

I call it: The Stick. It’ll fit between the branch and twigs on the tree hierarchy, and will hopefully lead to some bushier trees. To better illustrate my idea, I’ve worked with a number of well regarded professionals in the graphic design industry to create this nice, easy to read flowchart, hopefully helping you all visualize this next important step.

Stick Will Come Soon.

Oh, and here’s the tree.

GeoTree_v0.64.7z (4.7 MB)