get along better with girls or guys?

Women/girls are impossible to understand. They say one thing but mean the other. You can never tell where you are with them.

Even when you know they like you, they still try to bullshit you, and in the end decide they don’t actually like you.

And there’s your proof. Btw that made me laugh 2.

And whatever they do, they try not to hurt you… :rolleyes:

Oh the irony.

And they always seem to go for the guys that are quite clearly a waste of space.You know, the ones who wouldn’t know the difference between the front and back-side of a sheep but would easily ruff you up in a street brawl.

And then they expect us to show sympathy when it all goes tits up. Yes I am the ‘oh forever willing shoulding to cry on’.

Ah such is life.

Ah, the dreaded “Friends” Zone. Has anyone seen JUST FRIENDS? Funny movie.

Just Friends is THE WORST movie I have ever seen.
I still can’t believe I spend 120minutes of my life on that bullshit.

oh and back on topic: I have roughly 20 friends, of which only 5 are men.
I’m a guy. its just supposed to be like that. since there are more girls in the world then guys.


I think it’s funny to hear guys moan about how girls are always getting with the wrong guys (read: not them), but, I would bet dollars to donuts, there are better girls suited for those whining, they just aren’t “attractive” enough for them.

Sometimes you just got to be real, and know what league you are playing in.

If you ain’t hot and rich, you ain’t gonna get the “hot” and “rich” girls. If you are artsy, poor, and hippyish, go for the artsy poor hippyish types… :wink:

That post was really weird.

You sound kinda like the stereotypical gay best friend. :expressionless:

Well I’m not gay, but I am her best friend. Kerri has a real nice body and it’s just kinda awkward when your alone with her and she puts her self in rather provocative positions, yet you are just friends.

I guess basically I’m really physicly attacted to her and I could possibly make a move on her, but I don’t want to damage our friendship.

Ha ha, Should I put on a dress and dance? I am sorry you don’t like testosterone utterly spilling over the scale but you see, if I said I wasn’t a Man-man I would be lying. Why? Because only some women love guns beer and steak. As well as AC/DC and rock music in general. I guess some men don’t… or are they? I think I’m happy with my F-350, Steak and Football. Women are still great (For reasons previously stated by Wu) but I do get along better with men as far as talking because I can pick up any topic and talking to women can be odd to say the least.

The Jack

Why don’t you tell her that? If you really value your friendship, you shouldn’t keep secrets like that. Besides, from what you’ve said, it’s not exactly like she should be offended…

Well she knows I find her physicly attractive, I’ve told her that and we are very close, I go to her house for lunch almost everyday I get along great with her family too. We tell each other “I love you” everytime we see each other, for some reason we both feel we don’t need to be in a relationship, it just bugs the crap outta me, here I have a hot chick that I’m close with, closer with her than her brother and we both don’t want to be in a relationship wioth each other. Anyone else have this problem?

No, I think most other people understand what the term “relationship” means :stuck_out_tongue:


just keep telling yourself that you’re “just good friends”. MY friend went through one of those relationships with a girl and now they’re inseparably dating.

And its one of those nice, God-fearing, respectful of each other relationships. Wish I had one like that.

But I don’t think it will happen soon. I’m not what you would call a “geek”, I’m cool with most people, but it happens I’m kinda smart enough that people think I’m not normal and don’t have a life. Which I do. Blender is only a small facet of it really.

But anyway. G-luck Jackblack. Just respect her and God will work things out and let you know :wink:

I can understand what wemon say. What type of stuff do they say to you that you can’t even understand it?

If any of you were a real man, then you wouldn’t go by looks now would you ?

If any of you were a real man, then you wouldn’t go by looks now would you ?

I don’t know about you, but it takes more than a great personality to get it up, and going at it with a paper bag over your head probably isn’t much fun. Who are you to judge who is a real man or not, regardless?

Sexual attraction is just as important in a relationship as the personality. You wouldn’t want to have sex with a sweetheart mule, now whould you? People look good as long as they take care of themselves.

Some people are attractive to mules :smiley:

I agree, if mules could talk I bet they would find people attractive too. :wink:

Sadly, this is true however, it feels good to pretend otherwise.

The ones I don’t understand are those that speak a different native tongue to myself.

You do know why the relationship you share with kerri is purely platonic don’t you. Have you seen your pic? :wink: