Get parent vertex group in geometry nodes

I am trying to use the new hair system and create a geometry modifier that would change the radius of the hair based on a weight map.

Unfortunately, the weight map is on the hair surface but now on the hair itself. I could not find a way to weight paint on the hair curve object.

As you can see in the image, the Plane has a Vertex Group and I would like to access it in the Thickness modifier that I am creating.

How I think it should work

As far as I understand when I weight paint there is a weight value in range [0,1] that is assigned for each vertex of the mesh. In my case that would be assigning weight values to the subdivided plane mesh.

I know that someone else did this before in an earlier version of blender but I don’t have the Transfer Attribute node now and I don’t what to use.

Quote from Access parent object vertex group more directly with geometry nodes

I can access it with an Object Info node, a Transfer Attribute node, and a string input with the name of the vertex group, and it works fine, but it isn’t very user friendly. The name must be typed manually, and I need an extra input with the correct object to pass to the object info node, and the string input can’t be used as a value by itself.

My conceptual idea is that for each hair I should find the closest point on the vertex group of the plane. After I find that point I should get the weight value associated with that vertex. I don’t have enough blender experience to implement my idea using geometry nodes.

My attempt is as follows

I am not sure what the index from SampleNearest gives me.
Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

I created the second post because I can’t post two images in the same post.


Transfer Attribute has been replaced with a Sample Nearest, Sample Index combo.

Its sampling the nearest point… so, it is the index of the nearest point.
Sounds like you need to do some introductory tutorials. :thinking:

Anyway, you can use Sample UV Surface to the get the weights of the vertex group on the surface object like so:

… none of that matters though if you’re using Eevee curve strips - Its good to be aware that Eevee curve strips only accept a single global width per curve object… setting the diameter per hair strand only works in cycles. For Eevee you’ll have to roll your own curve-to-mesh to show thickness.

Good luck.

Hi, thank you very much for taking the time to answer my post.

What you did works but only if I render the image with Cycles.
Is there a way to see the thickness in the viewport as I edit the vertex paint?

Here is what I currently see in the scene

Here is that happens when I render (F12)

I know that this question might be a noob question but how can I see the thickness change in real-time in the viewport?

Already answered before:

You can use a simple triangle profile for preview purposes…:

… stick it at the end of your modifier stack.

Good luck.