Get RGB values from CSV file

Hi everyone

I was wondering if there’s a way to get RGB values from a CSV file and pass them to RGB node or preferably a Combine RGB node. My simple node setup looks like this:

And my CSV file looks something like this:


I would like to be able to get or set the frame number, then assign the corresponding RGB values to the 2 Combine RGB nodes.

Unfortunately I do not know anything about Python, so any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Kingsushi,

Have you looked at this vid by Chris P? It may help.

Cheers and stay safe!

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Hi Paul

This actually helped me quite a bit and I was able to write a script.

Thank you very much

Hi Kingsushi,

Glad it helped and you are welcome. Chris P, I find does great and helpful tutorials.

Cheers and stay safe!

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