Getting a mesh to look smooth without adding a lot of polygons.

I’ve searched the web but cannot understand how to make a mesh object that should look smooth in some areas and flat in others but cannot get it to work.
Ssing the generic “flat” and smooth selections does not get it done.
Neither does mean crease seem to achieve the effect I want.
Any suggestions on how to get this object to look smooth without increasing it’s size?:spin:


Shpae01.blend (1.11 MB)

Have you tried the edge split modifier?

Your Model is already with lot of geometry. Remove every 2nd loop and add a subsurf modifier. Don’t apply it. you model is going to look smooth.

As already said, you can use the “Edge Split” modifier on your mesh to get a result similar to this. The left cylinder is just a plain one, with the shading set to smooth. The right one has an edge split modifier applied. You can either specify the modifier to split the edges based on angle, or you can manually mark edges as sharp by selecting the edge, hitting CTRL+E and click “Mark Sharp”, and let the modifier split those. Don’t know if that’s what you are looking for though.

However, if you want the silhouette to look smooth, you have to add geometry. For example by adding a subsurf modifier, as dukejib suggested.

Thanks for the replies guys.
I started messing with the modifiers and got some good results but, I’m still struggling to gget the results I want.

When it comes to pure cylinders, it works great with the “subdivision” modifier and using the “mean crease” I can achieve the look I want.
The gauges are (I think) small in poly count and yet look like they are round.

When I try to use the “subdivision” modifier in other situations, I get weird results.
It will not give me a sharp edge where I need it but it is “smooth”.

I tried using "sharp edges and “mean crease” and still can’t understand how to get it to not “stretch” over the sharp areas.

Using just “sharp edges” gives me the sharp edges but even if I click “smooth” you can still see areas that are not smooth.
Any other sugestions?

check your modifiers are in the correct order, using a subsurf and an edge split modifier, can be done in 2 ways, with the subsurf on top, or with the edge-split on top, try both :slight_smile:

also turn on “wire” mode and “show all edges” when taking screenshots, as it will show your topology, bad topology is usually one of the big problems people come across when using subsurf modifiers.

check your modifiers are in the correct order, using a subsurf and an edge split modifier, can be done in 2 ways, with the subsurf on top, or with the edge-split on top, try both :slight_smile:

I tried reversing the order in which I apply the modifiers.
I don’t see any difference.

also turn on “wire” mode and “show all edges” when taking screenshots,

Ummmmm. I can turn on “wire” mode, but I don’t see where I turn on “show all edges”.:spin:
I tried looking it up on google but I can’t figure that out…
Will this do?:

bad topology is usually one of the big problems people come across when using subsurf modifiers.

I have heard this before. How do I know if I am creating “bad topology”? How do i avoid creating bad topology?

In order to sharpen those corners, normally one use loop cuts near the corner to tighten up subdivision. This method may not work for over all models because as I show here added loop cut needing to run trough the fuselage.

Other option is to use “Mean Crease” setting to tighten up the corner.