Getting pinkish textures in Blender 3.1.2

Hello together,
I have a problem with Blender 3.1.2 when I open a file from Blender 3.3.
Some textures are rendered in cycles pink colors.
It is not the classic display of the missing file reference, which is also displayed in pink. but the textures have a pink transparent coloring.

The file is rendered normally in blender 3.3.

What could this be?

Blender 3.1.2


Warm regards

Add images

Anything used in 3.3 which isn’t in 3.1.2 ?? (Pink is usually a sign for not found images…)

Hi Okidoki,
no. even when I apply a mesh to the old one without texure it is rendered pinkish.
It’s not an reference loss advice in pink.
When I add a new mesh beside the old one it’s rendered correctly…


as you can see the textures are rendered under the pinkish tone…

It seems if the mesh would be rendered with an other shader or something…
I can’t figure it out.

Okay if there arr no warning about more modern file format try a new scene in 3.1 and append everything from the 3.3 file…

… I already did. No improvement.

Same shader node… Material copied to the new cube mesh.

Screenshot 2022-10-20 200849

Getting crazy… arrrgh!

My guess that the material mixes several textures, and only one of them is missing. Or some other parameter, like verstex colors

…the shader node is an gltf based shader optimzied for msfs.
Even when I delete all materials in the scene and set them up as an fresh material.
All orphans deleted. Only the base mesh imported from 3.3.
New Material applied… bam! pink color.

This is a GPU error- update your drivers

… no it wasn’t. Still the same issue.
Screenshot 2022-10-20 204447

I will chek the gltf adon from asobo in a older version.

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Since when is blender supporting GLTF shaders natively…

Oh… while i’m typing:

So you aren’t using blender with your own setup but a special addon… you may have mentioned this… :person_shrugging:

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… Sorry for that. I should have mentioned that in the beginning. But I thought that it didn’t have to do with that, because the shader is also used on the new mesh, where it is working.
Its tricky.

That’s what this forum is for … just looking from some other angles… :wink:

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Hello together,
I have found the problem for the wrong display of the textures.
It was me! :laughing:
I had done a texeldensity check with UV-Zen before saving the file. But didn’t reset the switch to hide the texel density.
In material preview mode it is not visible in the viewport only when rendering with cycles.
So the texeldensity was rendered with the next time I opened the file and my weak brain didn’t think about it.

Problem solution:

  • Stay calm.
  • Get distance.
  • Look at the problem again.
  • Trial and Error.
  • Sleep on it.
  • Ask Blenderartist forum.
  • Describe the problem as precisely as possible.
  • Do not start from yourself. Gain distance. Change the perspective.
  • Stay friendly and above all stay calm. Because from here on others will see your problem.
  • Solve the problem.
  • Open a beer.
  • Describe the solution in the forum.

Lesson learned…

Thank you for your help!

Warm regards Thomas