Geyser of Enceladus

Geyser of Enceladus

Geyser of Enceladus (moon of planet Saturn)
My first 3d artwork that I share which I created with Blender. Formerly I had been using Vue Infinite, but i chose that a much better artistic tool would be the ever evolving Blender platform.
(Inspired by NASA’s breathtaking photos that show the geyser of Enceladus in all of their glory).


That looks epic, how did you create the glowing lights piercing up through the clouds?

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Nice work! At some point i wanted to do the exact same effect but failed, would you be willing to share your secret sauce with us? :slight_smile:

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Before ending up with this method, being a beginner in Blender, I have tried different approaches like volumetric lights and clouds, all with not optimal results. For this artwork, I used an addon which normally is used to create volumetric rocket exhausts ( Rocket Exhaust Blender Shader). After some adjustments, I was able to use it for my purpose, and the best of all, it renders the volumetric effect without noise and very fast in Cycles.

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Thank you. I repeat my answer to TheChosenSloth:
Before ending up with this method, being a beginner in Blender, I have tried different approaches like volumetric lights and clouds, all with not optimal results. For this artwork, I used an addon which normally is used to create volumetric rocket exhausts ( Rocket Exhaust Blender Shader). After some adjustments, I was able to use it for my purpose, and the best of all, it renders the volumetric effect without noise and very fast in Cycles.

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Welcome to BA, I really love this photo, though I feel like I would love to see more details, maybe the lava flowing through a section to give it a more vivid lighting because I feel like the white of the planet, and the light blue of the geysers, leaves few other colors, so I would love to see more, especially more of the black part, even if dimly lit.

Thank you for liking and commenting. My artwork is trying to mimic real-world NASA photos of Enceladus, which is an icy world without any visible lava or volcanic activity.

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That makes it even cooler! I love how you are trying to stay faithful to the original :smiley: I love it either way.

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Just looking at it, enceladus looks like a fascinating planet! Thank you for introducing it to me.

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Just briefly reading about it, it’s crazy how enceladus has a hidden ocean, and everything needed for life!! I am sorry for geeking out here, I am fine if you remove my post, but thanks for introducing me to it!!

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I am glad that you enjoy the topic because you liked my art in the first place. That is one of the many reasons why we create art at all. My interests in creating artwork are mainly focused on SciFi, Cosmos, Nature (Landscapes). As my skills increase, my projects will probably advance towards other realms as well (for example rigging of animals/humans for posing in artwork).

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!


Thank you for honoring my artwork being among the best of the week.