Tried a few things with bones and constraints not been successful can someone point me in the right direction for a rig to use on a drone gimbal camera with axis constraints like in the image below, thank you.
I would use IK:
IK bones are just locked in all but Y, with appropriately placed origins. IK target is parented to the control, which is located at the intersection of the axes. IK can be rotation or position, your choice.
Locked Track constraints can be handy for that kind of thing.
Getting your head around which axis is the one to target, and which is the one to lock, can take a moment. Trying a few options generally gets to what you need.
GimbalAim.blend (138.3 KB)
Rotating the AimTarget empty (Y-axis) will control the rotation of the middle portion. The top-level and the camera each have locked track constraints to get them to follow the position of the target empty.
Thank you both for the reply. I did try bones but not with IK maybe that will help, however tbh Locked track looks like a nice solution for my needs.
Thank you
Locked track will work in the same way with bone constraints on an armature, so you’re not limited to only working at the object level.