In various animation tutorials by David Ward (Blender Cookie), he has the gimbal setting such that the gimbal lock stays on while the rotation is occurring - which is very nice. When I turn on the Gimbal lock settings, its turns off once I click on an axis. Can you let me know how to keep it continuing to display while I’m manipulating it?
AFAIK gimbal lock is an unwanted state in animation. What gimbal lock settings do you want to be turned on? Would you supply a screen shot please.
I think you are talking about the rotation gizmo, and I have just noticed this behavior of it disappearing while manipulating it. Now it only shows the constraint axis, if any, while rotating or manipulating through translation and scaling. Not sure when that changed or why, or how to fix it.
@ajm, thanks. That’s exactly what I’m running into. It wasn’t like that in prior versions of Blender.
@Ulf B., thanks. I think @ajm did a better job of explaining the issue than I did. I hope that makes it clearer what I was referring to. Thanks.
I got your point. As the 3D-manipulator can cover up a lot of space I like the “new” behaviour. Here we have 9 handles you can select from:
The manipulator will disappear after you have selected any of the handles. After you have finished movement the manipulator will come back. I guess it’s a feature, not a bug.