GIMP help

I downloaded a lovely new font. How can I use it in GIMP?

If it’s installed, just pick it from the font list.

rephrase: I downloaded a pretty font.

Look at the screenshot.


just drop the font into the c:\windows\fonts folder to install it.
then delete it to uninstall it.

Gimp has its own font folder too, if it is the only application you want to use it with.
In true GNU fashion they have scattered the folders all over the place, there are 3 places you can drop it,
one in your application data folder, and 2, yes count them 2 places in the folder where gimp is installed.
one in the shared and the other in the current user folder to help complicate things.

all 4 places are valid.

Dont install too many fonts to the windows folder unless you like long boot times.

yeah, just install to the windows/fonts folder and restart GIMP.

also, if you’re going to use it commercially, make sure you know how it’s licensed. :slight_smile:

I’m glad there are other serious GIMP users out there!