GIMP team looking for help !!!

Hmm photoshop has scripting and that al for at least 4 a 5 years if not longer. I know because I did write some PS scripts that is still used today by some online retailers. You aren’t limited by macro recording.

I am not sure which professional Photographer shoots in JPEG maybe those who come and do shots with 500 $ equipment.
Hmmm I have my EOS DSLR for years now (350d) which is not very valuable but I really don’t see a reason why to shoot in JPEG… . RAW has so many benefits and space in this day of age isn’t really a problem as flash is inexpensive. The only time I shoot JPEG is by oversight.

maybe if the leaked more builds (or at least a guide to do it) to the community people will know about GIMP and may help :slight_smile:

There’s so much hating on GIMP… much like Blender <=2.4x. Pretty sad…

It’s scary that there’s so few devs working on this big project, incl. GEGL, and I don’t think single window mode will help with that unfortunately. Don’t know what will change that… for what it is capable of now, it’s impressive so few made this possible.

I don’t care about CMYK, but really look forward to full GEGL integration. For my current photo needs there are some good tools available (Darktable is really shaping up nicely!)

I think it should die, something as awesome as mypaint should spawn form it. the app name is awful. the app icon looks like a stoned dog.
the single window looks nice. but for me on mac, to run gimp OSX need to start X11. it feels so old and crappy and takes forever.

do it over, and do it right.

Seriously, tell me you are joking…

Do I need to compile KOffice to get it? Or can I find a compiled binary somewhere? Or compile Krita alone?

People are entitled to their opinions. I use GIMP a lot. But I use it because I want to support open source. But it’s got a tonne of problems.

Looks like MyPaint might be migrating into Krita;

“…Together with MyPaint maintainer Martin Reynolds, Sven Langkamp has been busy fixing the MyPaint brush engine plugin for Krita. A really nice example of cross-project cooperation, and the mypaint brush engine is very nearly ready for prime-time. Some brushes are still a bit slow – and the Krita mypaint plugin will never be as fast as using the brushes natively in MyPaint since we need to convert between the way the MyPaint brush engine code expects image data and the way Krita stores it. But it’s usable, not just a really cool hack. And moreover, it’s a great example of the way different projects can work together!”

from here


I dont think it is hate to be honest but more frustration about lack of vital functions.

I gave up because it lacks speed and 32 bit making it not as suitable for certain image tasks.

Sure we’re all entitled to our opinions and should of course not fool anybody - GIMP lacks some crucial features and is not ready for certain types of work, that is a fact. Same can be said of Blender and other open source programs, even commercial programs, heck all software lacks something for somebody.

What I don’t like is when people get flat out disrespectful, as in “Just die already, give up”, like developers of free software exist only to please ME and if I don’t like something, they are wasting time. They don’t owe us anything! I think it’s OK to bitch about and demand something of buggy/lacking commercial software, because here we pay (license) for it to work, not only once but multiple times. If a commercial program doesn’t suit our needs we don’t buy it, forget about it and move on. There’s no reason to dis it or discourage others from buying it if they see value in it. Why should it be different for free open source software?

I know this is the interweb, so bitching and whining is a constant, and my comments are irrelevant… Have a nice day!

maybe what one mentioned was to stop and start from scratch.
this to be honest happened to many commercial applications and was needed for their future success.

but I agree with you here on the respect level.

The single windows option is all I wanted for Gimp. I’ve installed the beta and I like it. I’m not new to Gimp. I’ve spent time learning it in the past and was able to translate all my image editing workflow (using a commercial app) into it. It was a good feeling. But we get distracted a lot of times and end up with another.

I’ll definitely go back to Gimp once the next version is released. Inkscape is another oss I found enough for doing path illustrations. I might end up doing everything using open source software. I just like the idea.

For a lot of stuff i find it more intuitive to use blender’s compositor, especially when there is no adjustment layers in the Gimp.

I much prefer node based systems and would love to see a FOSS image editing project that used nodes at it’s core.

The other problem is software evangelism. Certain people will defend thier software (or computer platform) as if it were a religion. There are a lot of Blenderheads like that unfortunately. If you speak up and say there is a problem that needs addressing to make the software more useable, you get attacked as being an ‘unbeliever’.

This would be very interesting. You could have a Layers Tab, Channels Tab, Nodes Tab – lots of power there.

@ cekuhnen, yeah Pixelmator fills my needs just fine. Plus the App store already has loads of smaller, more specialized image-editing apps for other things. More modular pricing!

In Gimp’s defense, consider the huge GEGL hurdle, the non-overlapping interface that two developers are overcoming. I actually think its amazing how 2.5 guys are creating the closest thing to a PS-rival in the open-source world.

What is the closest PS rival these days?

what scripting language does it use?

It used to be Corel Photo Paint which is bundled with CorelDraw Suite which is a bargain. It still is. I think the proper question would be what is Gimp’s closest rival in the oss arena. If you found one I’d like to try it out.

It’s not really software evangalism…

people speaking up and pointing out a problem in a reasonable tone often get the “yep, good point, I hope someone has the time to work on that and fix it” or “yep, good point, but what about all these other bigger problems, shouldn’t they be fixed first>
?..” and very very rarely they even get " Wow, glad you pointed that out! no-one’s mentioned that yet and it really does need sorting out! (and more rarely still that comment will be from someone that can actually change things…

if they act like a whinging twat they usually get dismissed by the “evangelists” who point out whatever workarounds are available now, encourage the poster to “get over themselves” or whatever and (more rarely) it all decends into trolling and name calling…

in the gimps case, single window mode is a big deal for many people, completely pointless for many others… (and if forums are anything to go by that’s a 50-50 split…

GEGL was a massive deal though, enabling gimp to be viable for a great number of tasks that it’s un-suitable for at the moment… It’s great to see that on the roadmap as the next big thing…

it’s a shame that given the limited resources it’s still a long way off…

it’s a shame that no-one in this thread is a coder saying "you know what? I can help gimp get their quicker…

I for one am glad that gimp is as usable as it is… it does feel more natural on linux though…

CEK, starting again shouldn’t be needed… gegl integration has started already… just needs finishing! and on Mac gimp is clunky, slightly better on windows, best on linux where it’s much more naturtal and huigh performance…

Applescript, vbscript and javascript. But in practice because of the com interface that photoshop provides you can use any language. For example Python is a possibilty that can be used.

But the problem with gimp is certainly in not in the scripting side of things. One thing gimp really does good is scripting and also plugins. It has one of the clearest documentation that I have ever read for an oss project.


I can attest you that this is not the case as I read in some responses to my comments.
Evangelism is indeed an issue even when what people say/defend is not even logical
or based on what the question was. But not everybody is this way - that is true which
is why I stay loyal to this forum.

BTW what do you mean with "CEK, starting again shouldn’t be needed… "
Just curios because those are the initials of my name in the right order :wink:


I am not again Gimp - I just cannot see it as a PS killer, I am simply stating that for my needs
it is useless, but for quite many it is very usable from image cropping to concept painting.

There is no rival anymore - they are all mainly dead or not established.
Sadly because PS today is such a slow and fat app . . .

Nothing. Seriously, I have been waiting for years now to have someone, ANYONE, jump on this bandwagon, and develop a true competing product that revolutionizes, or at the very least evolutionizes (is that even a word?) 2d graphic/image manipulation/creation. I am not looking for something that equates to Photoshop, I am aching for something BETTER. Photoshop is one of my daily tools in my professional work - and I find its workflow becoming more frustrating and limiting all the time. It’s antiquated, and needs a good kick in the old nuts.


  • the antiquated layer system: only one layer mask? Only one vector mask? Having to turn layers into smart objects to apply live non-destructive filters (even after effects does it better)?
  • No nodes yet?
  • Why on earth am I not allowed to use all filters in 16 and/or 32bit mode? Why limit functionality when working in high bit colour modes?
  • Why do most of the filters, and their dialogs, stem from version 4, and even show a complete lack of updating? (clouds is one of the most used filters, why has this not been given more attention yet - at least a dialogue for some meager options?)
  • And why does at least half the functionality depend on modal dialogue windows? What’s the point of that?
  • Smart objects seem to be bolted on the ancient code core: often Photoshop will inform you that it will need to turn off the rendered version.
  • Why is it not possible to edit smart object content directly on the canvas? At least psd content should be a possibility?
  • Why does Photoshop have different dialogues for levels/curves depending on whether you add them as adjustment layers or via the image menu? Come to think of it, why are we unable to scale this window?
  • Why is the save for web function so limited, that it does not even support alpha channels for 8bit png?
  • Why is Photoshop (still!) unable to do a proper job on rotating straight lines? Every other 2d app does a better job!
  • The approach to canvas size and cropping is limited as well. Compare Illustrator, or MyPaint.
  • I could go on, and on.

I am not saying Photoshop is a bad app - not at all, and I have been using it almost every day since version 3-4. And that’s why I can say that while other software markets have seen a lot of innovation, Adobe has been lagging behind.

One can but help to wonder why a relatively niche market such as 3d has about ten (10!) semi-pro or pro applications on offer, while the 2d image market really only offers one: Photoshop. Every year I expect some upstart company to take on Adobe, and bite a large chunk out of their market, and every year… nothing happens. Everyone seems to be happy with the status quo. It truly is astounding.

What the industry needs is an app that blows Photoshop out of the water, and breaks some of PS’s archaic rules. Whether commercial or open source, I do not care. Things need a little bit of stirring up. This will probably fall on deaf ears - I have mentioned this a couple of times before on forums, and the response has been somewhat… lackluster, to say the very least. Perhaps people feel that Photoshop’s approach is all they need, or (want to) know.