GiNO - BattleMech Warrior [new stuff]

Very nice! With the three legs it reminds me of how kangaroos move, did you purposely do this or is it just a case of “parallel evolution?”

great work Stefano !!

I have only one constructive critisism !

I think your camera movment should Not be parented
to the character…if you dont have it, it certainly look
like it…make the camera move more in a straight line,
or let it be still and just track it…or like this…have
more than 1 camera, 2 or 3 maybe…then from different
views…cut them together later…it looks not super right now

I hope your ego didn’t fall to low 8)

again, great stuff…I loved the slowmotion of the ammo…

You are right, camera is parented to Mech… it actually has an IPO of its own to make it move less than the Mech… but you are right, I should make it move by itself :slight_smile:
