
Here is my new personal project. Highpoly sculpted in Zbrush, textured in Substance Painter, but everything else done in Blender - fur, environment, lightning, rigging, rendering.
I am very thankful for all the help and information I found here. @omgold and @Valentin_Min really helped with shading issues I had here - thank you guys. Comments are welcome.

Some BTS



Glad to see you got the issues worked out! It really turned out well!!

Thank you!

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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This is my debut on the featured row : ) Thank you @bartv I really appreciate it!


The giraffe, the tree and ground looks realistic and spot on :+1:.

How many grass particles did you render with?

This is awesome! Congratulations ! :+1:
i’m glad for You :smiley:

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Thank you for the good words. I used grass essentials addon for the grass here, and there are two different grounds. The flat one has 4 different particle systems (for different types of grass) with total number of about 40,000 particles. Another one has 7 particle systems with total number of about 140,000 particles.

Congrats man! There are few things you got wrong. The nostrils of giraffe always face front (yours is facing sideways).

Also check the pics below. The top lip protrudes a little and gets narrower. Also, add hairs. The model is really good.

Thank you for the comment. I know that my giraffe is not 100% realistic, so there is a room for improvement.