Girl with Flower Crown

All process was done in blender.
Everything was created from scratch :slight_smile:

Base mesh (skin modifier)



Dress (created with cloth simulation)

Hair particle

Texture painting

Flower crown



Pose test


Raw render


Final result

Thanks for watching!


!! i love this so much! i dont tackle with rigging realistic characters at all, but this one simply takes the cake! love how youve shown the process as well. how many hours did this take? im sure this is worthy of the forum gallery. stunning job!

Thank you so much! It took about 6 months, 2~3 hours per day (so about 500 hours?).

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Amazing work! I agree with @voradtras that it’s lovely to see the whole process. Is the rig custom made or through an addon?

Thanks, Peter Parker!
The rig was made from a single bone (for research purposes).
The body rig was built based on Nathan Vegdahl’s Humane Rigging series,
and Lee Salvemini’s facial rigging tutorials for the face.
(Both are available on Youtube.)
I hope it helps!


The only thing that I’d change is to daub just a little bit of foundation on her “shiny nose.” That specular can still be there but I think it should be very soft. (Portrait photographers would very often do the same thing.)

Thanks for the feedback!
Yeah, I darkened the area of the glossy map, and it looks better.
This problem was not visible to me before you pointed it out. Thanks again :slight_smile:


nice work !!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend! :slight_smile:

Would it be possible to get a copy of crown model? I have a female character who needs a flower crown, and this would do nicely.