
great work, inspiring.

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Amazing work as always! Honestly, when I clicked on the picture to get to the thread, I immediately knew it was your work when I saw the face.

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Hi… I get it that some comments i have read here kind of played down on the magnificence of this artwork (reality check on weight, balance etc) and I do see their point but I am so worried if I would ever get my amateur work to such perfection. I plan to share my startup works soon enough for criticism and reviews.
Well done. You are a role model.
I will attempt to reproduce this work, someday soon and see how terribly far I am from yours, perhaps, you might guide me on what i am missing.

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Very very excellent!!!

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Thank you. The skin is a combination between BI and cycles, all of the skin is hand textures painted

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Thank you. Yeah i know. I just trying the best I can to create a model based on a concept art.

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Good call, I think so too. But I just got a positive thinking that the concept artist must have a really good reason behind his work.

Can’t wait to see your progress! Maybe you can send me your progress or something, I would love to see them.

Such a interesting character. Well executed.

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I get your point, she’s too weak for that rig. In a game design it would probably be best to add some glow rings and mini jets to imply anti-gravity weight or assisted jet holding etc.

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I do see an issue if it is not desired etc… The lighting is “off” if you are not going for all matt paint. The paint/yellow seems to be missing a slight hint of glossyness/shinyness (noobie’s opinion). Also, if your going for a phot to show off the modeling, it’s great, if not, it’s slighly lit all over too much for directional lighting.

I’m not sure but if you have amped up the light, whilst the linear is operating to soften the image etc, the extra light (amped) may require a contrast alteration for darker darks etc. Up to you. It depends on what your going for.

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She looks like a character out of a fighting game. Really like the robotic arms. Looking at the concept art and I think you nail it.

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I agree with these comments. There are huge mechanical arms but the weight of them and whatever load must be borne by the girl. The mechanism also seems awfully tight around the chest. Mechanically its not feasible but artistically it is impressive.

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The artistry in this is phenomenal. Well done! A real work of art, and a fantastic design.

I can see why some people have responded the way they have though in regards to its practical weight. It was the first thing I saw before I saw any of the fantastic detail you put into it.

I think I have an easy solution for you, however (if you were interested in working on it any further, of course). 1. Simply bulk out the armour of her chest, and make it go a little further down her body, like a proper backpack with a belt. 2. Then throw on some burning fuel jets or anti-grav jets on the top of it, like a rocket pack that’s alway idling. 3. You’re done!

It might even be cooler if she could also fly with the backpack, so perhaps it’s a good thing you’ve designed it in the way you have so you could then get awesome feedback and ideas like this one, haha! :wink:

But seriously, this is amazing artwork. Hat’s off to you. I’m amazed by your skill. Kudos!

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Love it!!!
Must be bloody heavy!! Hehe!!

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Sick dude! i like it! i need to improve hard surface at this level.

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Wooooow! :star::star::star::star::star:

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The only critique I can give is for the cables you’ve added that are not in the original design, and are not really used in hydraulic arms, because they can get caught in the mechanism itself.

If you want (considering you have already completed the artwork), you can move them to one side, and make them pass through a bigger cable/tube.

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she is very cute… and a wonderfull high lovely model. awesome work!

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Thank you very much for the feedback.