Github retopoflow 2 for current build of 2.8?

Is there a build of retopoflow 2 for the current build of Blender 2.8? I remember that retopoflow 2 stated that they will adapt to be compatible with the ever-changing Blender 2.8, but I don’t know where I can find a free version on GitHub or something.

And yes, I want to support the creative coders of things like retoloflow, but I simply don’t have the money to pay at the moment.

There’s no 2.80 update yet. Retopoflow2 is literally the only reason I even still have 2.79 installed, and I’ve gotten so used to 2.80 now that opening 2.79 is torture. :frowning:


You can follow development HERE. Not much happening there though. Last I heard, they plan on having a working beta for the Blender 2.80 release.


I get a “trace-back most recent call last” error?

When trying to enable this from Github.
Is there anyway past this?

Thanks for ant replies / help. :slightly_smiling_face:

Forgive me asking on an older thread. :blush:
I thought it would be easier than starting a whole new one.

Go to your App data folder or where ever you install your plugins. Find the “addon_common” folder and copy the contents from the addon common folder, located in the zip. Or replace folder with one from zip in link. Should install.

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Thank you so much. I will follow your instructions.
Fingers crossed. :crossed_fingers:

Id love to get it working.
And I really appreciate your time, and help. :smiley:

Thank you so much.
It works a treat. :disappointed_relieved: <- me before your file. :partying_face: <- me now.

TBH My downloaded “addon_common” folder was empty before I pasted the contence of yours.
And then it all worked.

Which surprised the heck out of me.
As the Retopoflow zip is only 4.2mb. And yet looking on YT, at an old Jayanam video (as I couldn’t remember how big it was in 2.79.) His Download zip is over 28mb. :thinking:

But I’m rambling.

Thank you so much for solving this for me.
And getting this amazing add-on once again working. It is really appreciated.

Welcome. Also, for some reason the addon common files are missing from the Github Zip, which is weird. So when you go to initiate the addon you get an error.

So, unless you dig around github and find the common addon 2.8 folder or browse though the “Issues” and happen to find the right post, you can never get it to initialize.

I’m not an addon Python guru, but I’m curious as to why the correct files can’t just be included in the “addon common folder” in the right folders on the branch. So you just download zip and install, like any other addon.

I wonder if the install package on BlenderMarket has a similar barrier to easy installation.