give a mesh a gradient?

is it possible to give a mesh a simple gradient color from top to bottom or left to right?
Let say from red (top) to orange (bottom)…should be simple right?
I experimented with the ramps but to no luck.


Hello !..

Well, it is possible, but, there is a easiest way, why don’t you try gimp to do such things… then save the image as png or jpg… so you can later import in blender… or maybe you want ramp colours for another objective ?

i thought about giving it a texture like your mentioning but i would like to be able to play with the colors (change them or adjust the length of the transition easily ) in a matter of clicks…like changing the colors of a material for example.
Is giving it a texture the only way to achieve this?

Actually, you can do precisely that and entirely through Blender. Add a Texture and choose Blend for the Texture Type. Then you can set it to whatever colors you like through the Colors tab.

You can find more information here:


thank you, that’s what i was looking for!

I noticed the dialogue on gradients. I have figured this part out recently. I am trying to create a blend to transparency. The original grey object shows through. If I adjust the alpha the whole object and all textures are affected.

Is there a way to do a gradient so the object gradually is transparent on the desired area?

Thanks in advance.


I just put together a 5 color gradient texture for landscapes. It supports alpha.