

Here’s a fanart of Tomioka Giyuu from Demon Slayer :smiley:



I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend :slight_smile:

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@anon64128017 - Thank you so much! :smiley:

@bartv - Thank you for the feature! :grin:

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hello how did you created the flying water flow?

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Clean work and very beautiful!

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Fantastic, as always!

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Thank you @Loniel and @YeLeftHandMan :smiley:
@MichaelBenDavid: I used a fluid simulation and sculpted into shape after!

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yeah but you make it have the shape of a spiral or something, how does look the domain you made?

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Nicely done! Your combination of realistic anime character, real hair particles and then the water and the background make a lovely Blend :slight_smile: Great job!

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beautiful face, its nice u do a full scene background for the character, not a grey / simple background like most ppl. Looks more like a finished picture und i like that very much.

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Great job! I really love the lighting and materials, plus you did an amazing job on the hair. Keep up the great work!

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Excellent work, so evocative. Love it! Congratulations :+1: :partying_face: :star_struck:

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Thank you for the feature @bartv! And thank you @rogper, @Grey.W, @Jaidek and @floroj for your comments :blush:

@MichaelBenDavid - the simulation is actually simple because the water is not actually a continuous and has 2 parts. The first part stops behind his head and the second is just flipped in the other direction to make an S shape together.

The setup is just an inflow with some velocity in the x and z direction to make a parabola shape. There’s a thin obstacle that blocks part of the flow to break up the uniformity and have a splashy effect. I also warped the general shape to get the flow how I wanted.


Great work, congrats.

ok thanks by the info :smiley: .

Is no one going to mention the fabulous clothing?
