Gizmo for objects selection

in 2.82 when i select objects
the gizmo seems to be offseted

how can I bring it back to the centre of the selection ?

happy bl


AFAIK, when selecting multiple objects or multiple faces / edges / vertices. . . the gizmo is never placed in the center, but in the barycenter!

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ok but I see a difference between 2.79 and 2.82
how can I change it to get same behavior ?

happy bl

Sorry, but I don’t really understand your gizmo problem …! :thinking:

… in any case, in any case for me, the gizmo is well placed in the barycenter of the selected objects

did a new test with new files and looks ok now

I think in one file there was a different set up for the gizmo mode or the cursor and was not same then in 2.79

will try to find what cause this this night

thanks for feedback
happy bl

ok here is the strange thing ?

with this file
i’m working in the scripting template
and the 3D view does not show the gizmo !

is there something special about this template to not show the gizmo ?
there might be another parameter some where!

The layout has gizmo on but not showing in 3D view

happy bl

Each workspace is independent (Layout, Modeling, Scripting …)

If the gizmo is not displayed in the 3D view present in the Scripting workspace, it must be activated in the Gizmo drop-down menu.

The gizmo is placed at the transform pivot point. Which by default is the median point. But change the pivot point to e.g. ‘3D Cursor’, and the gizmo will be placed at 3D cursor.

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It is not false . . . :slightly_smiling_face:
Now, the precision is made

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still don’t see it !

and this is only in scripting template
others seems ok
unless it is a bug or some parameter elsewhere!

happy bl

Houla, to answer you, it is better to have a very good view … :nerd_face:

… and if I see correctly, you have not activated the [Show Gizmo] button.
The drop-down list is only used to select certain options when Show Gizmo is activated.


I had the list but forgot you need to click on the icon to activate it !

got it now it works

but this is the default I had when I unzip it
I did not install 2.82 yet and still using the old 2.79 set up in 2.82

happy bl