Gizmo problems


I have some problems with Gizmos in my Blender installation.
When I hover over the gizmo it is like Blender doesn’t recognize it and I cannot grab it nor tweak it.
For example I can add measure tape line, but can’t tweak it afterwards.
I also can’t grab area light “look at” gizmo and tweak it.
But if I activate, for example, Move tool from the left side drawer, little context menu appears near the bottom which asks what is the behaviour for the Drag action. If I select Active Tool then I can work with gizmo. But lights and measure tape don’t have that option.

When I revert to factory settings everything works fine.
So I don’t know where to start looking for those gizmo settings to make them normal again.

You might have to have a look at the settings; for example i have the gizmo disabled for Move, Rotate, Scale and so it does not show in general. But when using the move tool then it does shoe (especially axis for move…) :

I don’t have problems with showing gizmos.
It is just I can’t operate/tweak them.
For example, when you hover over “look at” dot or tape measure end, mouse pointer changes from arrow to that different kind of icon letting you know tweaking is available.
My pointer doesn’t change. That is the problem.

oh… yes this is weird… i could not imagine why this could happen…