Ok, I’m not quite sure what made me think of this but this is 3D model I made of a Glass Model of the Earth and moon that I made last week. This was made using AO, SSS, four point lighting with additional lamps inside the Moon and the Earth.
looks sweet
I really like the art, the earth and moon look pretty neat to me, but as far as the concept goes, that base should be different, you made such a beautiful piece then had it come out a base like that. maybe wood and brass? just a thought.
I don’t know why did you use SSS for glass materials, but you should add some reflections.
Modeling and textures look awesome.
Thanks for the replies, I’m glad you liked the model itself.
I had to agree with the comments on the base and reflections so I gave the model a sort of gold, flower-like base, I call it “The flower of creation” (Hmm… that would be a nice title for it :)) and I gave it a sort of mantlepiece scene to give it something to reflect off it. I also used the compositor and gave it a vignette and a defocus blur.
As for why I use SSS on glass, I suppose I just like the effect it gives it compared to glass without it.
I’ll be adding things to it like a photoframe and a couple of little trinkets here and there so that the mantle piece doesn’t look so bare. I’ll also have to turn the alpha value of the Earth up a bit seeing as the back is showing through too much and muck about with compositor settings and lighting so that it’s not so dark looking.
Anyway, this is what I’ve rendered so far.
it’s looking good, I liked that dragonball Z also.
Thanks ^^!
This time I tried to add a somesort of nightime scene and sort of turn it onto a lamp. I’m going do something with defocus node to turn it down a bit and I’ll try to use the compositor to add a bit of glow but I have a question on that, which I’ll put up in the support forums. I’ll also add one or two other things and put some other things in the wee chest and add a gem on the heart locket too.
Oh! And say hello to ma wee Doggie, Milo lol :D!
Also, note that I had to take AO off because it made my Earth look really dark and horrible, I don’t think it really needs it though.
Your most recent render looks great! I might take the rule of thirds into consideration, though, and possibly zoom in a bit so the earth looks a little bigger (not much, though). I really like it, though
Oh, and if you haven’t already asked it, I could probably answer your question about the glow
Thanks I’m glad you liked it ^^!
It’s ok, I figured out how to add some glow in which I used some tips from blender wiki tutorial and Andrew Prices tutorial on Blenderguru, I’m not going to make a render now though as it’s getting a bit late and it takes ma wee laptop all it’s got to chug out these renders lol. It probably can do with a zoom and/or maybe a crop? I’m not sure what you mean by “rule of thirds” though, can you please elabirate a wee bit :)?
Nice work! It’s always fun for me to see a piece evolve through the hard work of an artist reacting to the helpful advice of the community.
Thanks ^^!
I edited my model a bit further, where I tried to give the Earth a glow, tried to zoom in on the Earth a little bit and turned down the DoF a wee bit.
Here’s what my render looks like now and I also attached my composite nodes layout
Oh! BTW the wee node to the left of the “Add” node (fac value of 1) is meant to be a “screen” node with a fac value of 0.5
Nice, I like the progression of renders, looking good!
Keep it up!