Glass edge chipping request

I was wondering if anyone had a procedural workflow for edge chipping for glass and/or other translucent object like raw gemstones?

Thanks in advance!

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It might be difficult using materials.

You’d probably be better off looking at geometry nodes and procedurally modelling them instead. Your material setup will then be much simpler.

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Maybe something like this?

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I’m trying to recreate a rough white chipping like effect as if just mined to the under side. I was considering using a mix shader node and creating another material but wasn’t too sure on how to make it. The idea is to create two varients. A clean and a flawed, with the flawed being the chipped version.

Actually, what you are proposing with the mix node would work. Simply have 2 node trees in the same material and attach them together with a mix shader. The fac will then control where each material appears.

You could use 2 sets of seamless textures, one clean and one damaged and apply them using box mapping, so there are no seams.

Then, create a new, blank texture and plug it in the fac of the mix shader. Use texture painting on that new texture and you can paint the 2 materials on different parts of the object. Alternatively, you could replace the hand painted mask with some edge detection method:

Once you are done, you then bake the material into a single set of textures.

The bevel nodes is one option, i thought i could be used with adaptive subdivision, but i cant figure out how.
bevel_node_adaptive_subd.blend (104.8 KB)