Glass flower

Not really worth showing anyone, but it’s my first scene ever, so yeah :stuck_out_tongue:

Not really worth showing anyone

I disagree!
That’s very good for a first render, the only problem I can see is the large shadow at the back.
The glass effect’s very good though:)

I myself like the shadow part. And the whole scene has a touch to it that I can’t really name, but like a lot.

i love the grass:D

Great job! For a first render, your grass is insanely lifelike and you really did an excellent job portraying the sway of the grass. A very natural feel is what I like about it. I also think that’s what Nanthiel was going for lol. Great job on a first render and welcome! Blend it up!

Grass is absolutely incredible! The flower is nice also, and some colour to it would make it even nicer.

Keep up the great work.


Thats pretty good for a first scene, for the grass did you use blenders particle system?

Yeah, I used this tutorial, and made the flower on my own.

Thanks everyone, it’s an honor to be commented on by you guys :slight_smile:

that render is fine, but on my point of view the grass looks a little too thin, looks like hairs… but it’s great!!!