Glass Goblet

Are either of these less opressive on the eyes?:smiley:


DDD-I was wondering why anyone would want it…:slight_smile:

better, now make a gradient(gray to dark gray)
why is the glass red? the 2nd image is best so far…you can barely see the floor though
also why did you make 2 posts? you know you can edit your posts right?

I know I can edit my posts, but that occured to me about 3 sec to late. The first image is red bc I never took out the sun lamp, as that one was the one I was working on to create sky. The other one I rendered, printscreened and saved at a point along the way, that one is done.

Any idea how to remove the thin white line around the bottom of the second image?

LOOK!!! This post got edited. :slight_smile:

edit: I am finally getting somewhere with the sky, I found a sky setting in the world buttons that I had to turn on. I will post new images shortly.

I got sky to work by enabling sky in the world settings… I am still trying to get the colors to mix randomly, any ideas, or harsh critiscm :slight_smile: are welcome.


dude why are you acting like people are supposed to be watching your thread and commenting on it every second?
And some people do go offline…cant sit in front of the computer forever…
as far as the renders…i dont understand why your goblets change color…why are thy not white?
That said i thing the last render is actually really good. (the black background orange goblet)

Now… make the image even more interesting. cant just have one goblet…
Oh and what is with you and sky?
You can add just lamps, here look at this lighting tutorial

“And some people do go offline…cant sit in front of the computer forever…”

DDD—First, don’t be bitter… Second, do I get the not so subtle hint that you would you like me to log out when I leave this site?

Actually, I love computers and have been learning Comp-Sci from my Dad for the last couple of years so I use mine continuously… Also, I live in Minnesota and we are having horrible weather, so I actually do sit in front of my computer all day.

I was exited about finally getting sky to work because I had been working on it for 6+ hours.

Plus, when I do use this forum, you seem to dislike everything I say and do, and I get a kick out of that so I am sending you a friend request…:evilgrin:

p.s. I will be adding a plane to the orange and gold render, as well as several dice I have created. I will have to see what else I can add.

… not to be a jerk, but 6 hours on the sky? Using lamps as DDD is saying will give you a faster- maybe even cleaner render. Adding lamps to an HDR render can also be very impressive, if done correctly. I’m sure theres a tutorial out there somewhere…