Glass Grenades

Not a whole lot to say about this, made in a day, post pro done in GIMP.

Please share you critiques and comments! I’d love to hear from everybody! Thanks!

I think this could be really neat, but it’s hurt by the lighting and reflections. Your wood texture is also too small, I think and the words on the crate would benefit from some stampy texture. Not a bad idea, I think it’s worth polishing up!

Looks great, just feel like the ground and metal materials are off in some way - sadly can’t tell what’s wrong exactly. Also, you may want to go a bit more abstract on it consideringhow abstract the grenades’ contents are anyways.

Looks great :smiley:

@shawn.kearney Thanks for the feedback! How should I improve the lighting? I know the wood texture is too low res I was kind of lazy about that.

@KubeRoot Thanks. I’m not sure how I could improve the ground, other than putting some a particle system in the scene or adding some more objects on the ground.

@Chickenator Thanks!