Glass of whiskey


It’s a reasonable effort, but there are some issues.

The whiskey looks cloudy. Whiskey (or whisky) is typically very clear.

Same goes for the ice.

Without a scene file (or at least seeing the material setup) I can’t say what is exactly wrong. Here’s an extract from one of my scenes with a glass of whiskey over ice. I hope that you can see the differences that I do.

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Thank you very much for the notes! It was really unrealistic, I will take it into consideration for future studies! In this case, it was a quick study for a presentation. Just for fun, which I could do in a short time hahah. In any case, I’ll do a slower study and apply your notes!

If it helps. I remade trying to get the tone of the whiskey closer to yours, and the node tree.


Very nice!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!