Gliese 832 c

Hi, this is my entry for Blender Guru competition, any cristism is welcome, maybe futher i change some things to have good work for portfolio. About 97% is done with Blender, some textures are tweak with Gimp. Blender Cycles (256 samples, only glossy and mesh light have 512 samples) Aspect Ratio is 21:9 (2520px/1080px), focal lenght set to 80mm, about 11 render layers, render time: 6,5 hours.


oh and here’s first “quick” sketch in Blender;

Wow, just wow! You SO deserve first place! :slight_smile: Best entry I’ve seen.

That is some mighty composoting right there! well done man, this looks incredible.

I think this image is 1st place material! :smiley:

Thanks :slight_smile: but actually there is no storyline, i focused rather to create “another planet” and i don’t think much about story.