Glitch Effect Error 2.8


I am facing difficulties to create a composition simulating the glitch effect. I was unable to adjust the settings of the nodes to use a png image with this effect on a video with a transparent background and without damaging the base color of the image (the effects worked well but the image was “washed”). A help on where I find a good composition guide or if someone wants to change the project would be great. An explanation of how to configure two engines, eevee and cycles would also help.

Note: In rendering using Eevee a white border appears around the png and the background does not disappear and in the cycles the image is washed.

Credits: Original base project - Will Olis

My archives for view

So the reason your image looks dark and washed out is that you’re using a diffuse material on your image plane so it’s getting lit by your scene lighting. The shadeless option in the tutorial would fix this but since there isn’t that option in Eevee, the easiest way to fix this is to change your material to emission. This isn’t exactly the same as shadeless because it will also light other objects in your scene. However, you are only rendering one object so that won’t be a problem(This tutorial I made will help you fix that if that does become a problem in the future).

As for the white border, it’s because your alpha channel is premultiplied and Blender is interpreting it as straight alpha. Jump over to the image editor (clicking the Rendering tab up top will bring you there) and make sure instagram.png is selected in the top center dropdown. Then hit ‘N’ to bring up the properties panel and click the ‘Image’ tab. There’s an alpha dropdown that should say ‘Straight’ that you need to change to ‘Premultiplied’. That should fix the border problem. Hopefully one day Blender will have all the settings for images in a logical place.

One more thing. In Eevee, objects can’t be transparent unless you explicitly set them to be. In the materials panel under Settings, there’s an option called Blend Mode which will be set to Opaque. You need to change that to Alpha Blend. That will allow your object to use transparency.

I believe I almost got it :slight_smile:
As for the white border, I haven’t solved it yet. Testing in the file I saw that the alpha over node is responsible, when disabled the border does not appear. Do I have to add any additional nodes or do any other configuration to correct this?

Hmm. Re upload your new file and I’ll take a look.

I did not put the nodes equal to the last tutorial that you recommended because I was not able to make the background transparent only with the pre-multiplied option marked. I needed a Transparent BSDF node mixed with the emission.

The new file is named as GlitchWill.blend
New file

I found this other tutorial of the glitch effect in Blender’s VSE and it is very close to the application I want.

I’m still testing to see if I can do it with an PNG image. It would be very good if someone who has a deeper knowledge to explain how it can be done in 2.8 with examples or a base file. Thanks.

So, some updates.
Apparently the initial effect, which I did using the WillOlis video, is functional, but I still face problems with the artifacts of a png image. How do I fix this?
I have already researched whether the problem is the export of the PNG image, because in some topics on the internet it is said that there is a difference between the interpretation of bit channels (8 and 16) generated by programs such as Photoshop or Corel Draw and that this influences the composition in a 3D software like Blender. When I use Alpha Over mixed with the texture to give the effect no matter how I export the artifacts appear then. Here is a simplified file with just one image configured correctly (in my view) to appear unaffected by light and with transparency.
I tried to use two files to compose an image in blender, two jpgs one with the image and the other with the alpha channel I want, but still, I don’t get it right. Even in png or jpg with mask the artifacts appear.

In my view the problem is in the composition of the knots. Can anyone guide me?

A simplified file ( ) of this last configuration of the image.

A technical explanation for what I think is happening but I was unable to make it work.