GN decorative Brick Arch?

I can make a Brick Arch by following a Curve but wondering if anyone knows how to create the one around the door and windows in the pic? …
Screenshot 2024-05-28 235623

For anyone wondering but also just want to note for future reference and in case there may be a different way.

First, made some Quads positioned on Points for X position
Screenshot 2024-06-17 213731

then set Z to 0 for the next part
Screenshot 2024-06-17 213749

PingPong for Z position (clamp though for middle)
Screenshot 2024-06-17 213853

Quads have to have the correct Rot X -90 and Y 90 which makes it easier for Endpoints selection with a Switch greater or not from the center, also top middle is isolated
Screenshot 2024-06-17 213935

the result being
Screenshot 2024-06-17 214347

A) can make a Curve from this for the outer
Screenshot 2024-06-17 220128

B) can Modulo select the inner Points
Screenshot 2024-06-17 214512

so some Lines can be put on the Points
Screenshot 2024-06-17 214558

with the Lines set the position of the Endpoints to a resampled Curve
Screenshot 2024-06-17 214703

and the result
Screenshot 2024-06-17 220647


The only problem now is to make it a usable mesh. I need to make each area its own polygon. Any suggestions?

If you share the file, I can take a look

archpattern.blend (1.5 MB)

Wondering if there is a way to group together from multiple outputs of “Instance on Points” by Index? Sample all 1s / 2s etc because they can easily be put together that way.

That’s what the split edges node does !

BTW cool technique to get these patterns, well done !

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Thanks. :slight_smile:

Would Edge Split work without Faces?

Do not think split edges will help here. From what a i got after a quick look at your file yesterday is, that more or less “every single edge” is separated spline.

So you need to merge each separated splines of the “wanted areas” into a single spline per area. And for that Your attempt to group them (by storing an attribute on creation) sounds reasonable.
Afterwards You may could merge them in a repeat zone. So that in the end they can be turned into faces with the fill curve node

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Yeh, that’s what I was thinking. Thanks.

Adding a curve to mesh, then merge by distance, then extrude mesh gives this.

It is not a good “cookie cutter” because there are overlapping edges/faces. Not sure how to get rid of the edges that “span” 2 edges, it could be easier to rethink the way you are creating them so there is no overlapping.

If you delete all the edges you do get just the points, but then the problem is how to group them to create faces.

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Ok yeah sorry , it won’t work if you don’t have faces !
I’m not 100% sure but you can try to convert that to curves, and use a Fill curve node, just keep in mind that it works in 2D so your geo should be aligned on the XY plane…

After that the split edge should work…

But yeah not sure if the fill curve will work in the first place …

I’ve come up with a solution using Instances and mapping them to certain points.

Screenshot 2024-06-24 211649

Trying to find a better way because although procedural I’m manually selecting and setting each Index …

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When You just use the manual selection once for each Vertex of the Face, i think that is okay and still procedural. Doing that by my own in different Node groups from time to time, when dealing with faces with a constant number of verts (mostly quads). For faces with a varying number of verts you may can do it with a repeat zone (depends on the use case).

Now, going a week on holidays not beeing able to respond for that time span.

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