yey! at last a succesfull attempt with fiber! i have been planning this project really long ago! i’m not yet going to tell you what it will be (surprise!), i’ll just tell you this is going to be an animation! and here is the main character (not close to be finished but i am posting in the WIP forum!)
please comment, mostly on the hair.

No image…


LEt me just begin by saying that I hope you plan on doing more work on the head. Let me end by saying that I hope you plan on doing more work with that hair.

Cool, but slightly insane…

Just did some work with Fiber myself. Excellent plug in. I would suggest, as a start for the hair, to try to get finer strands and use a seperate mesh to create multiple patches to move into place. I actually created my head first then selected groups of verts along the contour to dup and move away. I used these to create the hair patches that I then moved into place. See my WIP here…


Hope that helps -

I can’t really comment because the picture’s to small to show detail, maybe if you could let us see via the .blend file (only the hair, not the face)

Btw it’s only about 10 days until Fiber 3 YAY!!!