Hey all. I had a noob question that i needed answering. While doing the goblet tutorial, and finishing. I added a subsurf and smoothed the image. But as you can see by one of the attached images the face kept curvin in on itself. The second time around I followed instructions exactly and came out with the correct finished product. My first time i never Ekey and esc, then used g = Z constraint to extrude. I was wondering how and why this made a difference. I dont understand how the goblet was subsurfed wrongly when I just extruded and not extrude+esc+gkey+zconsttraint.
the first one probably has triangles, and the second one doesn’t
it really doesn’t make much of a difference either way you do it. Quicker and less buttons to extrude and hit Z to extrude straight up or down.
Try and reproduce the mishap =P
I like the first one more anyways, more interesting ^_^.
heh thanks for the replies. Still cant figure out how i made the first goblet. Although it is much better looking than the second.