Godot 4.2 released; A brand new era of FOSS game creation software

According to Remi Verschelde on twitter:
“Hey hey, #Godot4 beta 4 is uploaded but I haven’t had time to finish writing its release notes today. :weary: #GodotEngine So for now enjoy the builds: https://t.co/WrmH8f5BJw And you can check the PRs merged since beta3: https://t.co/L6ypbaGJff” / Twitter

Godot Engine - Dev snapshot: Godot 4.0 beta 6

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Release candidate: Godot 4.0 RC 1


The final countdown

Release candidate: Godot 4.0 RC 3 (godotengine.org)

Barring critical issues, this will likely be the last one before the release. The release will also mean the start of a rapid release cycle that builds upon what version 4 introduces. Having tinkered with the alpha and the beta builds, I can tell you this will likely democratize game development to an even greater extent than any engine before it (because of being fast and lightweight, yet easy to use, powerful, and capable of advanced effects like GI).


Is C# api closed at this stage (I mean RC3)? I was using an early alpha but later they made so many changes in function names that I stop working on my project :frowning:
I love Godot, 18Mb installer and You got everything that You need :slight_smile:


The vast majority of Godot’s commits come from members of the community (at a rate that is far higher than what we see in Blender). C# support is generally not being seen as a high priority for the paid developers, so filling in the gaps is largely dependent on whether there are C# users among those submitting patches (as many add features or functionality based on what they need or want in their own game project). Now for the question, it is bugfixes only now until the new release cycle.

Meanwhile, GDScript has received some major speed boosts providing you opt for the syntax regarding static typing, so that should be a more viable option now.

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:fireworks: :sparkler: :tada: :sun_with_face:

The wait for Godot 4.0 is over, see the overhauled original post for details.
Godot 4.0 sets sail: All aboard for new horizons (godotengine.org)


I’m so excited about it. Coincidentally, I recently had an idea for a pixel art game, and decided to take the opportunity and learn Godot to create it.

I used GDQuest’s 4.0 launch discounts and got their courses. Now on I go to learning Godot.

The only thing that is a bit hard is that from 3 to 4 a lot of changes have happened, and most tutorials are now outdated. I guess it’s a situation similar to the switch from Blender 2.79 to 2.8, and so I’m sure that new tutorials will come out soon, as the software grows and grows in popularity.

On the other hand, I feel that finding solutions for the problems generated by the differences between the tutorial and the latest version is a learning experience in itself, or at least it has been so for me with Blender.

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Geez, now I’m gonna start waiting for Godot 5…


i found this while trying out godot engine 4. I dont know exactly what the hell is wrong but it seem the roughness got pixelated :eyes:

while in blender i have no problem with my 3D model

Did you used jpg ?? (Because of the 8x8 fragmentation…)

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I’ve noticed pixelation like that on my projects as well. I used pngs for my texture maps.

If its not 8 bit vs 16bit, or lossy file compression (like jpg), then its just texture compression.
Turn normalmap and other textures to uncompressed to check if that it.


I used png 8bit exported from Substance painter

yeah same here :frowning:

I’ll give a try & be back here later hehe

still pixelated :sweat_smile:

Here is the 3D model (gltf) with 1K textures
Hammer.zip (1.5 MB)

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It is obvious a release with so many overhauls will come with a lot of bugs as soon as devs. start banging on every corner and testing every case. The result is the first patch release (Godot 4.0.1).
Maintenance release: Godot 4.0.1 (godotengine.org)

A lot of key fixes have been made, with more in the commit logs.

Rendering priorities for 4.1 is stability and performance (compared to 4.0). People who have had performance hiccups will get a boost.
Godot 4.1 Rendering Priorities (godotengine.org)

The release cycle, what went wrong and what will be done to fix it. There will no longer be big last-minute additions and the cycle in general will be shorter (with 4.1 slated for this Summer). They also anticipate staying on the 4.0 base for years to come before starting the new one for version 5.
Release Management Post Godot 4.0 (godotengine.org)

Speaking of 4.1. They are also going to be doing dev. snapshots for those who like to live on the edge (but do remember the higher likelihood of bugs and crashes than with release builds). Always back up your project(s) before diving into these kinds of builds.
Dev snapshot: Godot 4.1 dev 1 (godotengine.org)

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Godot 4.1

Godot 4.1 is here, smoother, more reliable, and with plenty of new features (godotengine.org)

The focus, as implied, was less about having new and shiny things and instead was more in the vein of improving what came in version 4 (with improvements in areas like performance and workflow, such as reduced stutter from shader compiling). There are also a lot of bug and stability fixes, and initial feedback from the web appears to indicate that it addresses a lot of complaints from the past few months.

Nevertheless, there is still some new things that will be very useful for game developers. There is a new experimental feature where subscenes can be run in different threads for a major performance boost. There is a genuine 3D noise texture now that can be used in conjunction with the volumetric fog for instance (along with other effects that otherwise do not work well with a UVmap).


A door closes, but a window opens

Amid a dramatic moment (which is too much for this thread, discuss this on Godot’s Reddit page or elsewhere), an increasingly popular Godot forum (Godotdevelopers) that used the traditional community format was closed down almost without notice. However, the community is resilient and is not ready to resign to places like Reddit where threads quickly get buried and are never seen again (even though you can catch the main developers there).

The owner of an increasingly popular Youtube channel showcasing Godot games (Stayathomedev) has just opened a new site for those who like their communities in the traditional forum format.
Godot Community Forums - Index page (stayathomedev.com)

If you were among those affected by the sudden closure, this is the place to go.

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Question is: why did the original Godotdevelopers forum fold so suddenly?