Godot . Where are the 3D games?

…are you okay?:roll_eyes:…after the engine which has a new renderer for over a year and is being pumped with a many new unoptimized features to want AAA quality game…ehh :crazy_face:

no, i am not interested in “AAA quality” (whatever this is supposed to mean :)) at all and don’t expect godot to be the unreal engine or unity but at the moment it sounds like it only supports very small 3d scenes?

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That’s not what im saying, all im saying is that I like to see Artists using their Skills regardless of the engine they use.

Guy’s like @haidme are one them and that where talent truly shines not the Engine.
(They must just make awesome looking fun games that’s all I’m saying lol)


so do you think a supertuxkart like game could be done currently?

Yes,…simpler games like this one is for sure feasible in Godot engine.

ok, thanks! then i will look into it.

I don’t know what standard we are setting to regard scenes as “very small”, but this is running at 60 FPS (on a GTX 1060 6GB card) with SSR and GI-Probes (with the latter having the 'high qualit’y option turned off).

It’s not a huge scene, but it’s not tiny either, there is an entire section of level beyond what you can see in this shot yet.

i don’t really know what i am seeing on this screenshot though. could be a few hundred polygons for all i know. :slight_smile:

The base level geometry isn’t that heavy with polygons, but a lot more are added via the spikes and other scene instances throughout the level.

There are also nice voxel reflections alongside the SSR due to the GI Probes. There’s also Filmic tonemapping (not ACES, but easier to deal with) and the gems have refraction.


oh! that’s awesome. they will work on better 3d-demos. :slight_smile:


Waiting for godot? Like waiting for UPBGE to magically being maintained again as well?

Redacted: Thought this was a hate train on Godot, doesn’t look so bad after all, my bad :slight_smile:


I though this is a well known classical play :wink: No ? The most funny thing is that they precisely named their engine regarding the fact that Godot could take long to come (especially serious 3d game :smiley: )

I believe the name of the engine predates its Open Sourcing, so it’s not intentional by any way.

Still, Godot has evolved from being a little engine with a shoestring budget to a FOSS powerhouse with 10,000 USD a month in Patreon funding, they also just received 50,000 from Mozilla for a trio of dev. projects. If you haven’t tried Godot since the time it had that funky purple UI, it’s like night and day if you look at it now.

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My two cents on this question of which engine best implements its features …
If you misuse the resources of one, you will fatally misuse the resources of another. It is all a matter of dwelling on the tool and working with it within YOUR capabilities, not the tool, since it is erratic according to your interests.

almost 5 years later … the state of Godot. Nothing serious has been done yet

This Youtube channel gives a good rundown of what is going on in terms of Godot games (fairly complete games, not demos).
StayAtHomeDev - YouTube

If you are checking the Reddit channel, it is just not a good source to get a wider view of what is possible (most devs. use the Godot Forums site and other media).

still, either Tech demo’s or gameboycolor games. I don’t know if it says much of the usability of Godot or not. Also , i remember it had some performance issues …

Overall, just wondering why i never seen anything serious made with it so far despite the hype