Going Retro - My next project will be in 2.79, "Blender Render"

As I am but a simple hobbyist, I require little and am always ready to say “that’s good enough”.

Recently, I’ve published 48 videos in 48 months. I am at 3.3.5, Eevee and preparing to download 3.6 LTS. But - Blender is now stressing out my minimal computer - and me too.

Yes, I realize that I am giving up a lot of abilities… so, we’ll see how it goes.

Back in April 2018, I published this on YouTube and I am always surprised at the “good enough” quality. It was 2.79 - Internal.

Thanks for listening.


OK… I’m back in 2.79, and have made some progress - appending old objects and such…

Most often, I ask “Dang. Where the heck was that setting again?”

My “Believability Level” lies somewhere between this…


And this…


Stay tuned.

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The latest challenge… Carla, Rose and Tin. (That’s Tin, not Tim. Apparently his Dad was a miner.) They star in 27 of my latest 48 movies.

They are imported MakeHumans with minimal armatures. No rig. No IK. And, because I’m using the Blender Internal engine, no nodes.

Since I have become quite fond of rigs and IK, I decided to “upgrade” them for this project.

So, I did some re-importation as an IK rig. Some re-parenting, And worst… straightening out shape key drivers for face and mouth movements (provided by MakeHuman).

Oh… And… I wish Eevee had a “Hemi” light!! Just child one above the camera. So helpful.

Stay tuned,

PS - This topic was originally posted on “Blender and CG Discussions” but was moved by a moderator to “Blender Tests”. If this is not a Blender Discussion, shouldn’t it be an Off Topic Chat? I’m just sane.

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It seems that the cast has been putting together a magic show. Here they are levitating a glass of scotch.



Well, I’ve been dabbling at this for about a week now. Got my workspace set-up the way I’ve become accustomed to. Got my scenery, characters and lighting looking and working OK (but not “good enough”). Learned a little about F-Curve Noise modifiers along the way.

I’m surprised at how fast the app runs. Everything from start-up to rendering. Very happy.

The thing I really miss is Collections! So…, I’m back to creative parenting to keep the Outliner manageable.

As usual, all I need now is a plot.

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Well, I was wrong about one thing. Render time. I does not run surprisingly fast, but about as good as I originally expected. I’ve got 900 frames, at 1620 x 1080. It’s 3 renders including one in the VSE where I add titles and noises and takes about an hour and ten minutes total.

Otherwise - I’ve reached “good enough” and still have plenty of time before my monthly release date to tweak it.

Watch for it in early August.

Thanks for listening.

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