Golden Palace - Part 2

Here is the exterior of the last piece I made. It took a while, my pc almost exploded 3 times but I got there !

I took inspiration from baroque and moorish architecture to make this gigantic entrance.

As usual I saved the progress, but this time I decided to make it as a gif.

Here it is :

I pretty much got the composition I wanted right away so I don’t have many other itterations.

I hope you like it ! Do not hesitate to give me feedbacks. :slight_smile:



I like this a lot :slight_smile: You’ve done an incredible job with composition, this is an immediately visually striking scene that draws your eye in to linger on the details, which are equally as well done. I love your colors, the gold has a richness to it that I don’t often see in CG metal. Nice work!


Thank you joseph ! I’m really happy that you liked the composition

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PC exploding part is so relatable.
I really like the render and that GIF is just perfect!

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Yeah, I was forced to optimize my modeling so my pc would accept to render an image, so I guess it was usefull in the end xD
Thanks! Yeah by seeing all the renders next to each others I figured it was perfect for a gif lmao

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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So good!! Great colors

Thanks eirik;)