Just a quick project to practice texturing and material creation. Kinda fun.
Incredible work as always.
Good job!
Very nice render.
love the idea and the reflections in the bubble.
b.t.w. is this a cycles render ?
very nice
Brilliant…again! May I ask, how did you texture the bubble?
Great job!
Keep an eye on BlenderCookie.com. I’ll be doing a tutorial for them in the next week or so on the techniques used in this project.
I dig your style! It’s better than real
Brilliant Job Do you have a choice on whether to make it a citizen tutorial or not? If so, can you make it so everybody can watch it? I don’t have enough money yet to get a citizen membership! I would really love to see how you made this
Unfortunately it’s not my decision. We can only hope.
Absolutely brilliant job! (As always I might add XD) Looking forward to the Blendercookie Tut.