Goldfish in a Bubble

Just a quick project to practice texturing and material creation. Kinda fun.


Incredible work as always. :slight_smile:
Good job!

Very nice render.

love the idea and the reflections in the bubble.

b.t.w. is this a cycles render ?

very nice :slight_smile:

Brilliant…again! May I ask, how did you texture the bubble?

Great job!

Keep an eye on I’ll be doing a tutorial for them in the next week or so on the techniques used in this project.

I dig your style! It’s better than real :wink:

Brilliant Job :smiley: Do you have a choice on whether to make it a citizen tutorial or not? If so, can you make it so everybody can watch it? I don’t have enough money yet to get a citizen membership! I would really love to see how you made this :slight_smile:

Unfortunately it’s not my decision. We can only hope.

Absolutely brilliant job! (As always I might add XD) Looking forward to the Blendercookie Tut.