Goo Goo

I did this project to compete in the CG Weekly Challenge #127 with the theme “Goo Monster”, but then decided to polish it up a little bit. I love doing cute and creepy stuff and decided to do a baby with an unusual power.

All the project was done in Blender, with base meshes done with the Skin Modifier, the main sculpt using Dyntopo and some finishing touches with Multiresolution sculpt. All the rest was poly modeled. The concepts were done in MyPaint.

I hope you like it!




scary and creepy…nice work

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Thank you! That’s exactly what I was going for, but with a little cuteness on the side :slight_smile:

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he is cute though…scariness overlap the cuteness

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Love the color pallete!
Do you have any specific method of choosing colors?

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Well thank you! Colors are usually one of the parts I have the most trouble with, so I’m glad you liked it!

In this case, I knew I wanted green goo, so the red hair and rosy cheeks would give a good contrast, and since I wanted a morning look to increase the baby cuteness while contrasting with the creepiness of everything, I went with a warm palette with some green and blue highlights on the places I needed more attention for the story.

waht the hell man ?!!! wher did you get this idea?!!!

you just acheaved the creepynes and desgute at the same time , from now on i hate babys Xp

nice work,

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