Good bye BGE - Let's see what will be the Interactive Engine

What about the plans for the 2.8 Interactive Engine?
Ton has been thinking of an idea for an interactive Engine will this be built from Eevee or will it start from UPBGE?

Please brief me abit guys?

So is BGE truly Dead?


Seems that I’m in a big paranoiac delirium. Cambell Barton says there will be the ability to export as exe. I’m very sorry about that (but no backward compatibility for logic scripts)

Well now you know that you don’t have to listen to me. Very bad mental health in these troubled times. Apologizes to offended people and for these violent behaviour

Apologizes to offended people and for these violent behaviour

I don’t understand why people are afraid to have the curr ent BGE replaced with the Interactive mode… I’m reading this notes and it looks a lot better for us… I know that we’ll temporally lost a lot of features (until they implement back), but if you compare the benefits, IMHO is valid… I heard some times that we’ll no longer be able to export games made using the new Interactive Mode, but I don’t believe in this too much…

Dude FEAR !!!


Its very hard to believe theories until its actually proven out in practical. (It can be easier said than done)

What im saying here my friend is that before you mention something, make sure yr halfway done with it. Then when you release it they can belive you because they’ve seen it and they know what it does and so the trust builds on from there my friend.

I refer to it as “The TRUST”
And so “The TRUST” is what will bring more active devs to to start working on the Interactive Mode more frequently and deeply. Games will be rendered on it = More motivation for devs to work on it to fix bugs and make it to its perfect state !!!


Having spent the last four months developing a game in UPBGE (and intending to spend at least another year completing the project) I’d be happy if at the end of it all I’ll have the ability to export the game to Windows, Linux and Mac OS and then encrypt those files using BPPlayer 1.08 (when it has been released).

To be honest, those are the only extra features I need. UPBGE seems stable and fast enough for most peoples needs, and the workflow is perfect. However there are currently no binaries for Mac OS and after days of banging my head against a brick wall I have given up trying to compile it for that platform. There are no recent BPPlayer releases for Linux or Mac OS.

I’ll support any efforts to keep UPBGE development going (or for an alternative in the main branch) and I’m really excited about new features, but I’m much more interested in supporting any efforts to enable people like me to easily publish to the main three desktop platforms and then sell my game without worrying about the GPL (and basic attempts to meddle with the code), which is not possible for me at the moment.

TLDR: really impressed with the work so far, but getting increasingly worried that all of my own hard work might one day be locked to a single platform / incompatible with future technology.

this tread contain a lot of FUD

I can’t even run 2.8, eevee would murder my ten year old ATI piece of crap. So right now I’m just a bit disappointed rather than horribly preoccupied. No matter. I’ll just keep working with my current version.



It was that simple for BF to approve with UPBGE Dev’s but did they?


Godot is a good FOSS engine…if I do not like what they introduce in Blender 2.8…I will just go there…

TBH the only reason I love BGE/UPBGE so much is the workflow…and the cost OFC :slight_smile:

GAMES but not forgetting simulations. I will carry on with satellite data and BLENDER script making maritime fairly basic routes. up to 25km but possible up to about 45 km as included the full Isle of Man. Then you can always delete the seabed and convert 1000s of mesh vertices into a single 4 vertices plane, or use limited dissolve on inland areas.

Just gonna leave this here since someone claimed that Godot is not a open source engine which it clearly is. >_>

Godot is Open Source, it just has a more permissive license than the BGE (allowing for a direct and simple way to export games as an encrypted binary for both PC and mobile). It’s still very much as free as the BGE is (with no proprietary support tier or paid access to a special repository like with Unreal).

Anyway, UPBGE was the Blender engine’s last chance, and its main developer abandoned the project (to the point where bugs were no longer getting fixed). The situation of a project seeing its bugs no longer getting fixed is usually a bad sign.

Who cares?! :wink: I personally love to make games. I like BGE and I will continue to make games with it. If it gets deprecated, I’ll just move to another engine. After all not engine is important but the games you make. :slight_smile: Enough with the drama. :stuck_out_tongue:

if it gets depreciated it does not mean the code goes in a wood chipper,

several forks exist, and will continue to exist,

one day we may see upbge or BIM or UPBGEEVEE eclipse unity or ue4,

Even better if it gets completely abandoned and depreciated then use it create what was impossible and shock the world. Everyone will wanna come back to it !!!

(And fix it or if not get a huge fanbase)
The fanbase will give as much attention to yr games and the owner might come back.

Then take it and Break it and Remake it and pay a dev to make it better than what BF is goina do otherwise yr just wasting time.


The BGE Users will not let all the documentation and resources go down the drain jus like that !!!

They’ll obviously fight back !!!
(We don’t need to do the fighting we just have to make good fun addictive games that will keep players coming back for more)


stop posting threads on this useless topic. all the old versions and all the old documentation is still up, so who cares what they do in the latest version.

find one you like and stick with it.

a quick search found:

and the archives:

The success of the Blender Foundation is important to me. This is a bad choice they are making that will have / has had drastic effects on their userbase. Because you are selfish and don’t care about others is not a valid reason to stop posting.

Well said , totally agree with you bro BF sucks BTW !!!
And someday they’ll realize what they did was wrong.

@Everyone lets continue making Good blender games and completely ignore threads like this one pls. (Including mines BTW)
I would kindly ask everyone to resume their projects and act like nothing ever happened on this thread.
