Good bye...

Well, this moment has been close to happening for far too long and I am finally taking the plunge. I have stuck with the game engine through thick and thin, but as a programmer, it’s time I move to something which is more capable and suits my skills a little bit better. Doogs agreed as well, so Crescent Dawn is moving on…

It feels a bit strange to be using Ogre, when work is currently under way to port blender to Ogre; but even then, I need more control and don’t want to be relying on other people to add features. No offense to the developers who have put their effort and time into this project, but Blender has been holding me back for quite a while.

I’m not going to make a long goodbye, so I’ll just say thanks to the community for good times these last 6 or so years. It’s been a significant part of my life. I’ll still check in from time to time to see what you’re all up to, and of course we are still using blender for modelling purposes.

If anyone is still interested in CDO, the next release is probably 4 or more months away, while we port it to ogre. We’ll keep updating the site about our progress.

Take care all, and have fun blending! I’ll miss it even as I move on to do greater things :frowning:

I think I speak for everyone when I say we’ll miss you too :(. Crescent Dawn was revolutionary for us, and thanks for sharing it with us. You two are some of the premier programmers we have (had), and you’ve done a helluva job. Thanks.

Yea, what Dim said.

Saluk, I wish you all the best. You are an acomplished programmer, I’m sure the switch to OGRE will be painless for you.


Sad to see anyone go… especially when they are some of the elite.

Hope everything goes well for you in your new venture.

I will be looking for your game when it is released.

You will be missed. It was fun getting to take part in the alpha testing, but I know this is probably the right move for you guys. I wish you the best as you move forward. Keep us posted.

:frowning: yea as everyone else has said, you 2 where part of the elite here, CDO broke what we all thought blender wasnt capable of, good luck with your move and i hope to see CDO go far!

This is sad… Well thanks for the great game CDO. I hope the OGRE port works out fine.

I wish you good luck.

My sentiment exactly.

If I may be allowed to say so, instead of jumping ship, why don’t you join up with the developers and help them port OGRE to blender? Just a thought.

We’ll all miss you! :frowning:

I could agree with that. Snailrose may like the extra help and we’ll all benefit from the development. If not, then good luck with porting your game over.

Bye.:frowning: when CDO comes out im gonna try it. but, bye! i never knew you, but it sucks when a long term member,(6 years!:eek: ) leaves.

Saluk, I hope to speak for a few of us when I say that we are proud that CDO has reached the point that it needs to graduate you guys have done a great job.

And if you guys can, could you see if it is possible to release the blender CDO so that the community can learn what blender is truly able to do if you try.

I can´t believe that! :frowning: :_(

You are an inspiration for us. I hope you could dedicate some time to ask questions over here like you did in the past, specially regarding programing main conceps. I remember that you give me a very complete reply about a subject regarding the use of quads inside Blender game engine. This is just to mention one from a bunch of other posts.

I will never forget when you ask Ton under the Blender Confererence to keep the game engine on.

Please don´t forget us! All the best ! You rule!

:eek: Saluk gone. Sigh… great old blenderheads. Come back soon.

Sad to see you go saluk. I wish you best of luck with your project.

Thanks for being a part of this community, it’s been a blast having you here.

You’ve been a precious helper specially in those old days when
docs fill about 5 pages
Thank you very much, and, good luck!

Bye Saluk. Sad to see someone like you leaving :frowning:

Bye Saluk,
you have done wonderfull things for this community.
Good luck with your project and Ogre…

  • Fenryal

sad to see you go, good luck in the future!


^what everyone else said… and

i hope your game goes well in ogre

Later, and good luck.

What else can you say, right?