Good_omen's Sketchbook

Yeah, it’s just in the early stage, so eyes and placement etc are far from final :slight_smile: Thank you for your feedback, will keep that in mind!

Irresponsible demons, that’s great. I wonder if they have a different view on what is responsible, though. Maybe the hounds need to get trained to cross the border + be extra “kind” :face_with_peeking_eye:

If anyone has ideas for a name for this puppy, go ahead. I do hear “Mephistopheles”, but that’s not very creative :laughing:

Side-note: Now I see an owner to this boy. But I’m not skilled in character modelling. :neutral_face: Welp, after that, I guess.


Left to my own devices I would probably name him something like “Twinkletoes” or the ever popular “Fluffy”, because I’m strange and find that sort of thing funny.

Or Henry, but that’s just because there was a droopy dog named Henry in a show I watch.

If you want actual suggestions:

Garmr :In Norse mythology, Garmr or Garm is a wolf or dog associated with both Hel and Ragnarök, and
described as a blood-stained guardian of Hel’s gate


Cwn Cyrff: corpse dog

I don’t actually know how to pronounce either of those, but they look like something a hellhound might be named.


obviously, his name is “Cat.” or was that “Fish”? :smiley:


Little peek of what I’ve been up to with the second hell hound, pushing myself a lot right now to get better + even put in some effort into presentation ( :skull:). Will edit this post with the link for the finished post. Thank you guys so much for all your ongoing support

Sculpting in Blender, then baking and texturing in Marmoset + quick render from there, little post edits in Affinity (contrast + little texture in bg + font)

I’m so wired right now and def need a break, but on the other hand the next hound is already knocking at my door :face_with_peeking_eye: What is happening (I think I’m having fun since I just accepted that I like, well, ‘dark’ things)

Had some real frustrations with Multires in Blender today but glad I pushed through (crashes etc), would love to be able to sculpt higher details but haven’t really figured out how, although I know how it works in theory.

Remeshed while sculpting with Quad Remesher for better topology but ran into the problem when joining objects that Quad Remesher doesn’t “merge” the vertices, so I sculpted, joined objects, used Blender’s own Remesher, then Quad Remesher, and so on… It doesn’t feel streamlined yet, let’s say that :sweat_smile:

Learned how to quickly make chains, yay :laughing:

Anyway, long wall of text, but hey, it’s my sketchbook. I love writing + worldbuilding, so the hell hounds will get a story of some sort, even just for little text snippets in the next renderings. I can see their owners in my mind, but my character skills (or rather the lack thereof) are not up to the task yet.

But: Everything I learned so far was because I took something on that was way too hard for me, but exciting. So maybe it will be the same with characters.

Now I’m finished :face_with_peeking_eye: :laughing: Been a long day sculpting

Edit: Link to finished post


I really like the added details in this one, with the texturing in the skin and the shiny nose with the glowing eyes. And the fog in the background is a nice touch.

Cool! How’d you do it? I’m always on the look out for a better way to handle that sort of thing.

Humanoids are hard especially when you know what it SHOULD look like, and it’s just not coming out. But now I’m curious. Who owns a hellhound?

I do this when I put my pictures on FaceBook. I was considering doing it here too, but didn’t know if people would be interested.


no hellhounds here… just hellcats. :smiley:

i’ve gone the opposite … i used to post blurbs where i post mine (IG/RD/and here)… now i just blurb here. :smiley: of course i’ll answer anyone on any of the three, but i don’t think peeps actually read blurbs on IG, just look at the pics, and reddit is well… reddit. :smiley:


I’ve tried IG, but the square format doesn’t work with most of my pictures. It’s actually still up, but I’m terrible at marketing myself, so I have zero followers. Oh well. Never really tried Reddit. I stumbled on a thread that was… interesting… and noped out.

I put the TXT on FB for a family member who likes getting the backstory and whatnot of the characters.


i do typically use the 16x9 format (there’s an icon in the bottom left for choosing 1 of 3 ratios) on IG… not sure if that helps or hinders my viewers. :smiley:


Thank you! I’m not satisfied with the textures, the materials are def off (too plastic-like), but next one will be better.

I made the chains with an array modifier and deform to curve, as shown in this quick video :slight_smile:

Yes, I’m aware that humans/humanoids are very hard, so this will be … interesting. But I’ll combine it with anatomy studies in 2D, maybe that helps.

Who owns a hell hound? Well, either someone who’s used to let’s say very hot temperatures or the people who own them currently have no clue that their beloved hound has some rather infernal ancestors… :skull:


oh. Didn’t see that…

Are you using Subsurface Scattering? It doesn’t look like the good boys have fur, so I’d expect to see some, especially in the thinner areas like the ears, depending on lighting. If you are, maybe adjusting the radius could help?

Sorry if I came off as condescending there. I was aiming for “I feel that” sympathetic. Looking at it now I feel like I missed a bit…


Yes, you’re right about SSS, haven’t used that yet. Thank you for the valuable feedback!

And no, it didn’t sound condescending at all, and even if it did, I wouldn’t mind at all. No worries, please :slight_smile:


Started the next practice sculpt, this time someone infernal. Yes, humans are def more challenging, always going back to fix landmarks, a lot more research coming the next days. Skulls and muscle placements/fat references really help.

Still very early, please ignore the neck and the still misplaced proportions :skull_and_crossbones: So much fun in between learning and so excited for this small personal project emerging that I think I may seem very childish :face_with_peeking_eye: :laughing:

I hope I can find a good process to bake color ids from face sets this time before texturing (or maybe I need to do vertex maps from face sets? something like that)

Edit: And have some sketches thinking about the design/ideas for the setting


“Not up to the task”? I’m having some doubts…

If I’m reading the text correctly, the question says basically, “Horns up = regal? Or the opposite?” The first guy, horns down, has a very regal bearing, so that has my vote, if you’re asking for opinions on the matter. The guy third from the left makes me laugh (thanks for that :smile:). It looks like somebody startled him and his horns flew up.

I’m a sucker for digitigrade legs on humanoids, the shapes are just so much more pleasing to my eye than our regular human plantigrade legs.


That’s nice of you to say, thank you :slight_smile: Just really second (and third)-guessing every step at the moment and so new at humanoids, but practicing animals helps with our shapes, it seems, too. And I’m just in coffee-overload practice-mode these days.

Thank you for the input! When I think about it, maybe horns towards the ground can also mean “more towards the infernal grounds”, which in turn “explains” why those are looked up to/belong to some sort of regal family.

Horns up = still “longing” for the world above, yes, that could fit.

Same with the legs, now the question will be which kind of animal/inspiration, I’ll think about that :face_with_peeking_eye:

Again, thank you for your valuable feedback :slight_smile:

(Now I can’t unsee the flying horns :laughing:)


Something different - I want to practice pipelines while working on the personal stuff, so would someone be willing to just throw some ideas for a creature task in here?

Just as if this would be a contract/a task in a studio, so please do go wild with your ideas (and your requirements, just envision yourself as an Art Director telling me what I need to come up with :D).

Would be very grateful!
(as an example, go wild with your creature ideas, but maybe also hint at what the model is required to do? film? game? close up shots? baked materials? etc)


I’ve had an idea for a long time of a creature that I would love to see your take on. From a distance, it looks like a pegasus, or a fairly normal horse with wings. The closer you get, the more things you notice are “wrong” about it- the teeth are too sharp, the neck is too long, the eyes are too carnivorous and reptilian, the mouth is too cavernous, and the wings aren’t feathery and graceful and all, but leathery and veiny like a bat.

I see it as being something you would think was beautiful if you saw it flying by in the sky, but close up, you’d be struck with endless terror as you realized you were about to die a swift death and become dinner for a monster.

I have no preference in the use case- I just want to see someone execute this vision :slight_smile:

In the very distant future, I’d like to use these in an animation project, but at that point I will actually hire your services

Final note: I know there’s something similar already with the thestrals in Harry Potter, but I don’t like those at all nor do I like Harry Potter. I feel like they leaned really hard into creepy and forgot about the horse part. They don’t look at all like horses, they look like weird skeletal goth bird lizards. My vision looks like a horse out of the corner of your eye, if you know what I mean :wink:


I love the concept! Absolutely my cup of tea. Thank you!

All right, I’m thinking about the full pipepline of

Sculpt, Retopo, UV, Texturing with nice presentation. First gathering research for the creature :writing_hand:


Snippet of the early sculpt phase, ignore the head + the bumps, first spent time with the basic forms, this is a challenge for sure, especially with the (thin) wings, but I can already tell that this will be fun for texturing :muscle: Think I’ll split the mouth open for the teeth next

