Good Boys: Hell Hound II

And the next good boy :slight_smile: A sculpting practice in Blender, pushing myself a lot right now to get better + just having a ton of fun.

Sculpted in Blender, baked + texturing in Marmoset, quick renders from there, too.

Had some real frustrations with Multires and can’t figure out a good way to push details yet, I think it’s a combination of my lacking knowledge + my hardware.

Put some effort into presentation this time :face_with_peeking_eye:
Since I love worldbuilding there’ll for sure be more hell hounds in the future. It’s a great way to practice, and why not do that with some sort of IP. :skull:

As always, so thankful for this community :dizzy:


d’aww… good lil evil hell hound… haz a treatz :smiley:


Good hooman, thankz :skull: :laughing:


I love how the eyes turned out: his got a little of that sad look that dogs often have, but mostly calm and vigilant. Woof! :slightly_smiling_face:


I love this series! Don’t know if you know this, but you’re great at character design. :+1:


Thank you so much :sunflower:

@Minamookevlar Still learning so much, so this means a lot! Thank you!


Wow! Amazing work!

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Thank you, appreciate it :blush:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Again, thank you so much :sunflower:

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You’ve ramped the sinister up to 11 with this one
Great sculpt + lighting, but that demonic stare!

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Thank you, much appreciated! Demonic stares are the best (at least in 3dmodels, wouldn’t want this in reality :face_with_peeking_eye:)


Well I try to do at least one per day though I’m still very much a novice
As of yet, Mr. Crowley, our pet hamster remains un-intimidated

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